Issue - meetings

York Museums Trust Scrutiny Final Report: Consideration of Recommendations

Meeting: 27/02/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 53)

53 York Museums Trust Scrutiny Final Report pdf icon PDF 76 KB

This report sets out a recommended response from the Cabinet Member to the Learning and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s report on “whether YMT have achieved appropriate collections management standards in line with the Collections Loan Agreement and Collections Management Protocol agreed in 2002”.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet Member agreed to:


(i)      Request YMT to provide to the next meeting of the Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee a presentation on the key principles that their Acquisition and Disposal policy review will be based on - in order to help frame and support YMT’s work on those revisions


(ii)      Request YMT to provide a revised version of the Acquisition and Disposal policy for the Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s consideration at their meeting in May 2013, prior to it being approved by the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism.


(iii)     Note the willingness of YMT’s Volunteers Manager to attend ward meetings / community events to identify ward residents who may have useful skills and to help facilitate the recruitment of additional volunteers


(iv)     Ask YMT to provide for the Scrutiny Committee a brief report on their processes for training volunteers and passing on knowledge to enhance the training of new guides and volunteers


(v)     Restate with YMT the relevant section of the legal agreement between YMT and the Council with regard de-accessioning unwanted / damaged / duplicate collection items, in order to provide clarity on the procedure and to allow the progression of work on the collections and the implementation of YMT’s plans for the future.


(vi)     Ask YMT to continue their bi-annual update reports to Overview & Scrutiny Committee, ensuring that they:

(i)      identify their progress against the Collections Loan Agreement and Collections Management Protocol agreed in 2002

(ii)      include information on any items disposed of since the last update report.


(vii)    Note YMT’s continued efforts to improve storage arrangements for the collections and continue to reflect the shared ambition to improve collections management and documentation in the next Partnership Delivery Plan.


REASON:        To conclude the scrutiny review in line with the Council’s Scrutiny procedures and protocols.


The Cabinet Member received a report which set out a recommended response from the Cabinet Member to the Learning and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s report on “whether YMT have achieved appropriate collections management standards in line with the Collections Loan Agreement and Collections Management Protocol agreed in 2002”.


The Cabinet Member explained that, following the Cabinet meeting, she had met with members of the York Museums Trust Scrutiny Review Task Group to clarify her concerns. Further to that meeting, the Cabinet Member had outlined the decision she intended to approve in response to the recommendations in the final report on the York Museums Trust Scrutiny Review. The Cabinet Member thanked the Task Group for their work on the review.


RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet Member agreed to:


(i)      Request YMT to provide to the next meeting of the Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee a presentation on the key principles that their Acquisition and Disposal policy review will be based on - in order to help frame and support YMT’s work on those revisions


(ii)      Request YMT to provide a revised version of the Acquisition and Disposal policy for the Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s consideration at their meeting in May 2013, prior to it being approved by the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism.


(iii)     Note the willingness of YMT’s Volunteers Manager to attend ward meetings / community events to identify ward residents who may have useful skills and to help facilitate the recruitment of additional volunteers




(iv)    Ask YMT to provide for the Scrutiny Committee a brief report on their processes for training volunteers and passing on knowledge to enhance the training of new guides and volunteers


(v)     Restate with YMT the relevant section of the legal agreement between YMT and the Council with regard de-accessioning unwanted / damaged / duplicate collection items, in order to provide clarity on the procedure and to allow the progression of work on the collections and the implementation of YMT’s plans for the future.


(vi)    Ask YMT to continue their bi-annual update reports to Overview & Scrutiny Committee, ensuring that they:

(i)      Identify their progress against the Collections Loan Agreement and Collections Management Protocol agreed in 2002

(ii)      Include information on any items disposed of since the last update report.


(vii)                             Note YMT’s continued efforts to improve storage arrangements for the collections and continue to reflect the shared ambition to improve collections management and documentation in the next Partnership Delivery Plan.


REASON:        To conclude the scrutiny review in line with the Council’s Scrutiny procedures and protocols.


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