Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/02/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 55)

55 Renewal of the YorkCard pdf icon PDF 82 KB

This paper seeks approval for a re-launch of the YorkCard in April 2013.



RESOLVED:       (i)      That the re-launch of the YorkCard be agreed.


(ii)      That the promotion of existing and new offers, as set out in the report, be approved.


REASON:            To increase access by York residents to cultural provision and facilities.


The Cabinet Member received a report which sought her approval for a re-launch of the YorkCard in April.


Officers advised that residents see the YorkCard as good value for money. They confirmed that there would be a modest price increase and explained that it was proposed that the York Card be renewable annually, with a personalised year for each resident depending on when was renewed.


The Cabinet Member expressed her support for the re-launch of the YorkCard. She acknowledged the need to increase the price of the card but agreed that it still remained good value for money. She voiced her pleasure that York residents in receipt of means tested benefits would be able to apply for a YorkCard free of charge stating this would encourage disadvantaged communities to engage more in sport and leisure due to significant discounts offered with the YorkCard.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the re-launch of the YorkCard be agreed.


(ii)      That the promotion of existing and new offers, as set out in the report, be approved.


REASON:           To increase access by York residents to cultural provision and facilities



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