Issue - meetings

Relocation of Peasholme Centre - Site Analysis

Meeting: 25/07/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 46)

46 Relocation of Peasholme Centre - Site Analysis pdf icon PDF 60 KB

This report advises the Executive of the outcome of consultation on and appraisal of the two possible sites for the relocation of the Peasholme Centre and seeks their views on which site would be most suitable. 

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Executive agrees to release the site at 4 Fishergate for use by the Peasholme Centre, subject to the granting of planning permission, and on terms to be agreed with the Peasholme Charity, which are to be consistent with the arrangements made for the release of land for social housing purposes by the Council in the past.


Members considered a report which advised of the outcome of consultation on and appraisal of the two possible sites for the relocation of the Peasholme Centre and sought their views on which site should be selected for the relocation.


At their meeting on 30th May, the Executive had agreed that consultation be carried out on the shortlisted sites at 4 Fishergate and Monk Bar Garage and had asked Officers to investigate the possibility of including 14 Jewberry on the shortlist.  The owners of 14 Jewberry had now confirmed that they were unable to accommodate the Centre, so that site had not been included.  Consultation on the other two sites had included distributing 2,000 information leaflets in the Fishergate and Guildhall wards, an open day at the Peasholme Centre and a public meeting, attended by about 40 people.  An information link on the Peasholme Centre had also been set up on the Council’s website and residents invited to submit their comments by 25 June.


The main issues raised at the public meeting were summarised in Annex 2 to the report and an analysis of the 28 written responses received was provided in Annex 4.  Concerns raised in respect of both sites related mainly to security, personal safety and the archaeological importance of the areas.  It was noted that both sites were within the central Area for Archaeological Importance and therefore subject to Policy HE10 in the Local Plan.  Results of a professional and technical analysis carried out on both sites by staff from Property Services, Planning, Highways, Finance, Conservation, Housing, Adult Social Services and the Peasholme Charity were set out in paragraphs 22-30 of the report and in Annexs 5 and 6.


In response to the issues raised under Public Participation on this item, Officers confirmed that Annex 2 reflected the key issues raised at the public meeting.  It had not been intended to produce minutes or a verbatim record of the meeting.  Issues relating to the Hungate development had been reported to Executive on 22 November 2005 and the report and minutes of that meeting were publicly available.  There had been no predetermination of the relocation site and 33 sites had been considered before drawing up a shortlist. Local residents would be consulted on the design of the new building, to ensure that it met security and other requirements.


The Chair read out a statement expressing support for the work of the Peasholme Centre and explaining the process that had led to the decision to relocate the Centre, the reasons why it could not practicably be accommodated on the Hungate site and the selection of the two alternative relocation sites.  It was noted that the new building would provide purpose-built accommodation that was DDA compliant.  The current Centre was considered to be very well run and there had been no complaints associated with it during the past two years.


RESOLVED: That the Executive agrees to release the site at 4 Fishergate for use by the Peasholme Centre, subject to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46


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