Issue - meetings

Options for the Ongoing Provision of Children's Home Places within the City

Meeting: 25/10/2012 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Children Young People and Education (Item 5)

5 Children's Home Provision: Proposed Changes to Model of Delivery pdf icon PDF 99 KB

This paper proposes a transfer of childrens home delivery in York from the local authority to an external provider.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That option 2 in the report be progressed

(i.e. the transfer of local provision and external beds to one organisation through commissioning).  A full tendering exercise would then proceed to scope a block contract with a provider to take over the running of the children’s home and leasing of the building and the provision of a defined number of block purchased local and external placements.


(ii)      That the awarding of the contract be delegated to officers subject to it meeting quality standards and achieving the required savings target.


REASON:                     This option affords the scope for savings without any reduction in the quality of placements.



The Cabinet Member considered a report that proposed a transfer of childrens home delivery in York from the local authority to an external provider.


It was noted that the proposal was based on a review of the local authority’s placement usage over the past five years and a growing need for more specialist and diverse provision for fewer young people.  The Cabinet Member noted that the proposal would help to achieve significant budget savings whilst improving the council’s ability to match local need with greater placement choice.  Officers gave details of the efforts that had been made to seek to ensure that capacity within the unit was fully utilised but nevertheless the unit costs were currently high.


The Cabinet Member paid tribute to the work that staff at Wenlock Terrace carried out and stated that the service was greatly valued and there was a commitment for it to continue.   She gave consideration to the following options detailed in the report:


Option 1:    York continues with current local, council provided childrens home


Option 2:    Transfer of local provision and external beds to one organisation through commissioning


Option 3:    Cease to make local provision and source all placements externally


The Cabinet Member stated that it was imperative that the resource was not diminished and sought assurances as to the safeguards that would be in place to ensure the quality of provision.  Details were given of the tendering exercise and of the inspections that would take place.  The Local Authority would not enter into a partnership with any provider who was not rated by Ofsted as good or outstanding for the delivery of children’s residential care in all of their existing homes.  Details were also given of the arrangements that would be in place to ensure safe placements.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That option 2 in the report be progressed

(i.e. the transfer of local provision and external beds to one organisation through commissioning).  A full tendering exercise would then proceed to scope a block contract with a provider to take over the running of the children’s home and leasing of the building and the provision of a defined number of block purchased local and external placements.


(ii)      That the awarding of the contract be delegated to officers subject to it meeting quality standards and achieving the required savings target.


REASON:                     This option affords the scope for savings without any reduction in the quality of placements.



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