Issue - meetings

York Racecourse Traffic Management

Meeting: 30/05/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 9)

York Racecourse Traffic Management

This report presents the results of consultation on Traffic Regulation Orders aimed at tackling traffic management issues arising during race meetings and asks Members to consider a traffic management plan put forward by the York Race Committee.


Members considered a report which presented the results of consultation on a Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) aimed at tackling traffic management issues arising during race meetings, together with a traffic management plan put forward by the York Race Committee YRC).


Advertisement of the TRO had been approved by the Executive on 7 February 2006.  Two responses had been received, both of which objected to the duration of the proposed restrictions and their disruptive effect on local residents.  Copies were attached as Annex B to the report.  The YRC’s alternative traffic management proposals were attached as Annexes C and D.  These outlined one set of restrictions for major race days such as Ebor Day (Annex D) and another for ordinary or “Other” race days (Annex C).


Members considered the following options:

In respect of the YRC’s proposals:

Option 1 – implement the same traffic management plan for all race meetings, as originally proposed, and approved by the Executive;

Option 2 – implement two different plans, depending on the size of the race meeting, as proposed by the YRC.

It was noted that the costs of Option 1 would be around £40k per year.  The Council had no funds set aside for management of traffic to events and no power to insist that the YRC fund traffic management measures for race days.

In respect of the TROs:

Option 1 – Approve the proposed TRO as advertised.

Option 2 – Approve a reduced selection of the proposals.

Option 3 – Abandon the proposals.

It was noted that the TRO encompassed a range of measures, but their use would depend upon the individual circumstances of each event and it was not intended that all restrictions would be put in place for every meeting.  The needs of residents, students and businesses would be taken into account before each element of the proposed measures was introduced.  The TRO as advertised would allow for the management of both of the traffic management plans put forward by the YRC.  Hence Option 1 was recommended.


Having considered the advice of the Shadow Executive, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That Option 2 in paragraph 6 of the report (implementing two different traffic management plans, in accordance with the YRC’s proposals) be supported in principle.


REASON:      The YRC have developed their plan for the benefit of their customers and would not support, nor wish to pursue, the plan initially put forward.


                        (ii)        That Officers be asked to continue negotiations with the YRC to secure funding for the necessary traffic management measures.


REASON:      Whilst recognising that race meetings do bring significant revenue to the City, they are commercial events and the costs should not fall to the residents of York.


                        (iii)       That Option 1 in paragraph 12 of the report (the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order as advertised and shown in Annex A) be approved.


REASON:      It is considered that this option allows sufficient flexibility to manage the traffic on the road network during race meetings.


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