Issue - meetings

Changes to Eligibility for Adult Social Care

Meeting: 01/08/2012 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health (Item 4)

4 Changes to Eligibility Criteria for Adult Social Care pdf icon PDF 116 KB

This report reflects on public consultation and seeks Cabinet Member approval to change the eligibility criteria for adult social care from Moderate, Substantial and Critical to Substantial and Critical.


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RESOLVED:       That option 1, “to agree the change to City of York’s Eligibility Criteria to Substantial and Critical and confirm that £150k a year will be invested in alternative support within the community to help meet moderate level needs” be approved


REASON:               To protect the needs of that the needs of those people with higher needs and to develop alternative support for those with moderate level needs that promote their wellbeing and independence.  To support the change to more community based and user led support as part of the personalisation agenda.



The Cabinet Member considered a report which updated her on the public consultation and sought her approval to change the eligibility criteria for adult social care from Moderate, Substantial and Critical to Substantial and Critical.


The Assistant Director (Assessment and Safeguarding) introduced the report and responded to specific queries from the Cabinet Member.


The Director of Adults, Children and Education stressed the need to respond to demographic changes and in particular the increased numbers of older people and life expectancy of those with long term needs. He welcomed the proposed  £150,000 reinvestment into early intervention services but recognised that this should be used to supplement and enhance the rich range of services which were already available. He confirmed that the proposed changes would not affect a customer’s right to assessments (including carers assessments), access to telecare, or the right to access the re-enablement service – all of which would be unaffected.


The Cabinet Member advised that this was an important but difficult decision to make, noting that over 85% of councils had already taken the decision to change the eligibility criteria with more expected to over the next few years. She confirmed that she had read the comments submitted by other organisations and the Liberal Democrat Group and taken these into account in coming to a decision.


She assured Members that no changes would be made to a customer’s support until a review had been undertaken with the individual.


She confirmed that some of the savings would be reinvested in alternative community and voluntary sector support for those with moderate level needs and this provided the opportunity to be developed as part of the personalisation agenda.


RESOLVED:       That option 1, “to agree the change to City of York’s Eligibility Criteria to Substantial and Critical and confirm that £150k a year will be invested in alternative support within the community to help meet moderate level needs” be approved


REASON:               To protect the needs of those people with higher needs and to develop alternative support for those with moderate level needs that promote their wellbeing and independence.  To support the change to more community based and user led support as part of the personalisation agenda.


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