Issue - meetings

Report on the future of Burnholme Community College

Meeting: 17/07/2012 - Executive (Item 5)

5 Decision on the Proposal to Close Burnholme Community College pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider a report which provides the results of consultation undertaken following the publication of Public Notices proposing a phased closure of Burnholme Community College. The report also informs Cabinet of the outcome of a recent Ofsted inspection of the College.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:        That Cabinet, having considered the representations made in response to the statutory closure notice (as set out in Annex 1 and 2) together with the statutory guidance in paragraphs 17-55 of the report:

i)                    Approves the closure of Burnholme Community College (BCC) on 31 August 2014, as proposed in the previous report to Cabinet (15 May) and in the public notices which provide details of the transition arrangements.

     ii)           Notes that closure is conditional and will take effect if, by the date of closure, the Secretary of State has approved the increase in the number of students to be admitted to Archbishop Holgate’s School.

iii)        Notes that the LA will work closely with the governing body of BCC and other schools to develop a comprehensive package of support for the school, and  a detailed transition plan for students and staff, that seeks to ensure the best possible education throughout the phased closure.

iv)        Notes that the LA will work with Applefields School, other secondary schools, and parents, in order to relocate the satellite class that has been successfully established at BCC.

v)         Notes that the LA, with the York Education Partnership, will continue to develop further proposals to meet demand for school places as it rises over the next decade.

vi)   Confirms that a further specific consultation focussing upon the potential future use of the Burnholme site should commence.  The LA will wish to explore options that make best use of the site whilst maintaining community facilities (as set out in paragraph 44 of the report).

REASON:      It has been concluded that the educational interests of the children and young people in the city would be best served by a phased closure of Burnholme Community College.



Consideration was given to a report which provided the results of consultation undertaken following the publication of Public Notices proposing a phased closure of Burnholme Community College.


During the formal six week representation period submissions had been received from the Parents’ Action Group as well as a number of emails and letters raising concerns and objections to the proposed closure, details of which were set out at Annexes 1 and 2 together with officer responses. Details of the outcome of a recent Ofsted inspection were also reported in paragraphs 12 to 16.


It was confirmed that the Local Authority must also have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State when taking a decision on closure proposals, with details of the factors to be considered set out at paragraphs 17 to 55 of the report. Members were reminded of the requirements of the public sector equality duty and relevant impacts were set out in the report. The detailed implications of maintaining or closing the College and the proposed transitional arrangements were also set out.


Members confirmed that they had seen and read all the information provided in relation to the implications of maintaining the school.  However it was with regret that owing to falling rolls and a significant funding shortfall, further support was not considered sustainable and on balance the interests of all would be better served by a phased closure 


Officers pointed out that they could not support an enhanced transport offer as suggested by the earlier speaker, for a number of reasons including additional costs.


Members confirmed that the Parents’ Action Group would be kept fully involved in the transitional planning arrangements to ensure effective delivery.


Following further discussion it was


RESOLVED:        That Cabinet, having considered the representations made in response to the statutory closure notice (as set out in Annex 1 and 2) together with the statutory guidance in paragraphs 17-55 of the report:

i)             Approves the closure of Burnholme Community College (BCC) on 31 August 2014, as proposed in the previous report to Cabinet (15 May) and in the public notices which provide details of the transition arrangements. 1.

      ii)          Notes that closure is conditional and will take effect if, by the date of closure, the Secretary of State has approved the increase in the number of students to be admitted to Archbishop Holgate’s School.

iii)        Notes that the LA will work closely with the governing body of BCC and other schools to develop a comprehensive package of support for the school, and  a detailed transition plan for students and staff, that seeks to ensure the best possible education throughout the phased closure.

iv)        Notes that the LA will work with Applefields School, other secondary schools, and parents, in order to relocate the satellite class that has been successfully established at BCC.

v)         Notes that the LA, with the York Education Partnership, will continue to develop further proposals to meet demand for school places as it rises over the next decade.

vi)   Confirms that a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5


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