Issue - meetings

Reinvigorate York Overview

Meeting: 01/12/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 28)

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This report describes the current proposals to create a clear way forward to reinvigorate the city centre and identifies recent and current projects which are contributing to the improvement of the city centre environment and accessibility.

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RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member agrees to note the progress on the Reinvigorate York Initiative and approve the setting up of a City Centre Design Group in order to produce a protocol for new design in the city centre.  With reference to the design protocol, the Group will oversee all new design and maintenance decisions in the city centre in terms of strategy, specific detail, and coordination.


REASON:                     In order to produce a protocol for new design to reinvigorate the city centre.



The Cabinet Members for City Strategy and Neighbourhoods and Communities considered current proposals to create a clear way forward for reinvigorating the city centre. The present status of the current action plans, reviews, strategies and appraisals for the city were detailed in the report together with recent and imminent Reinvigorate York projects at Annex 1 .


Further information in respect of the following proposals were also set out in the report:

·        City Centre Design Manual

·        City Centre Design Group

·        Working across Directorates


Sir Ron Cooke, chair of York Civic Trust confirmed his involvement as an advisor on this project. He referred to the ongoing collaboration with the local business community and heritage groups and to their willingness to contribute to the reinvigoration of the city centre.


Consideration was given to the following options:


Option 1 - It is recommended that all three proposals above be approved for future working.  Other options based around current working practices would continue to deliver projects on the ground but, it is considered, would not provide the coordination and detail required to deliver consistently.


Option 2 – Members reject the above proposals;


Option 3 – Members agree an amended set of proposals.



RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Members agree to note the progress on the Reinvigorate York Initiative and approve the setting up of a City Centre Design Group in order to produce a protocol for new design in the city centre.  With reference to the design protocol, the Group will oversee all new design and maintenance decisions in the city centre in terms of strategy, specific detail, and coordination.


REASON:                     In order to produce a protocol for new design to reinvigorate the city centre.



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