Issue - meetings

City Centre Footstreets Review

Meeting: 01/12/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 29)

29 City Centre Footstreets Review pdf icon PDF 180 KB

This report outlines the review of the operation of the foot streets, puts forward proposals to improve/update the ongoing management of traffic in the central shopping area and highlights possible future alterations which require further investigation.

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RESOLVED:            That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy approves the following recommendations, as detailed in paragraph 68 of the report:

i)             Consult on the introduction of experimental Traffic Regulation Orders to rationalise the hours of operation of the footstreets and extend the regulations to include Fossgate subject to consultation on the hours of operation being extended to 6pm Monday to Friday.


ii)            Investigate the issues surrounding use of the footstreets by blue badge and green permit holders.


iii)          Note the investigation into the scope for future civil enforcement of moving traffic regulation orders for potential expansion into the footstreets.


iv)          Consult further on, as part of the potential experimental TRO period above, the options for permitting cycling in parts of the pedestrian zone if / when / where drivers with mobility difficulties are allowed.


v)           Note the ongoing implementation of additional cycle parking.


vi)          Introduce permanent Traffic Regulation Orders to close a route into Blake Street from Duncombe Place.

vii)     Install advisory 10mph signs at key entry points to the pedestrian zone.

viii)       Revoke the existing Traffic Regulation Orders  relating to the one way system and pay and display parking on an evening.


ix)      Note the initiation of a Freight Transhipment scheme business case.

x)    Approve further investigations into expanding the pedestrian zone further towards Monk Bar and amending the traffic management arrangements in Micklegate to enhance pedestrian facilities.

     xi)      Approve the implementation of an “A” boards zero tolerance zone.

xii)     That the Assistant Director City Strategy be delegated authority to increase the number of dedicated disabled parking spaces in council car parks and take forward a scheme, including advertisement, to address evening parking issues in the Newgate market area.

REASON:                     In order to reassert the general principles of the pedestrian zone, give a good foundation for future changes / additions to be build on, provide an improved level of self enforcement and to enable a more straight forward enforcement regime of the regulations where and when necessary.




The Cabinet Member considered a report which set out details of the operation of the foot streets and put forward proposals to improve and update the ongoing management of traffic in the central shopping area, highlighting possible future alterations.

With regard to the options available and details of how these would link up in practice these were summarised on pages 43 to 61 of the report. 


Representations were made on behalf of the national cycling organisation, the CTC, who welcomed much of the report. Their representative explained that the reference ‘footstreets’ was in DfT guidance termed as a vehicle restricted area where cycling could legally be permitted if considered appropriate.


The Cabinet Member expressed his support for the report which he saw as a significant step forward to address shortcomings in the city centre. He suggested that discussions with city centre retail, business, church groups etc should, in the first instance, propose the extension of foot street hours to 6pm Monday to Friday in an effort to support the evening economy. He confirmed that a further report on cycling issues in the city would shortly be coming forward.


Officers confirmed that they were proposing additional minor changes to the Traffic Regulation Order subject to detailed discussions with interested parties and examining a possible increase in disabled parking spaces in the authorities car parks.


The Cabinet Member confirmed that he was aware of the issue raised by Cllr Hyman relating to evening parking in the Newgate Market area and that he would ask officers to seek to address these.

RESOLVED:            That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy approves the following recommendations, as detailed in paragraph 68 of the report:

i)Consult on the introduction of experimental Traffic Regulation Orders to rationalise the hours of operation of the footstreets and extend the regulations to include Fossgate subject to consultation on the hours of operation being extended to 6pm Monday to Friday. 1.


i)             Investigate the issues surrounding use of the footstreets by blue badge and green permit holders. 2.


ii)            Note the investigation into the scope for future civil enforcement of moving traffic regulation orders for potential expansion into the footstreets. 3.


iii)          Consult further on, as part of the potential experimental TRO period above, the options for permitting cycling in parts of the pedestrian zone if / when / where drivers with mobility difficulties are allowed. 4.


iv)          Note the ongoing implementation of additional cycle parking.


v)           Introduce permanent Traffic Regulation Orders to close a route into Blake Street from Duncombe Place. 5.

vii)     Install advisory 10mph signs at key entry points to the pedestrian zone. 6.

viii)       Revoke the existing Traffic Regulation Orders  relating to the one way system and pay and display parking on an evening. 7.


ix)      Note the initiation of a Freight Transhipment scheme business case.

x)    Approve further investigations into expanding the pedestrian zone further towards Monk Bar and amending the traffic management arrangements in Micklegate to enhance pedestrian facilities. 8.

     xi)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29


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