Issue - meetings

Petition received relating to the Turf Tavern

Meeting: 01/12/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 27)

27 Petition Regarding The Turf Tavern pdf icon PDF 78 KB

This report seeks to provide the Cabinet Member with background information regarding the Turf Tavern, following the submission of a petition to Council on 6 October 2011.



RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy agrees:


i)             To note the land and planning issues on the Turf Tavern site and the actions taken by officers regarding the restrictive covenant.


ii)            To request officers respond to the petitioners accordingly.


iii)          That in similar situations in the future, officers seek the views of local ward members.


REASON:                     In order to respond to the petition presented to Council.



The Cabinet Member considered a report which provided background information on the Turf Tavern, following the submission of a petition to Council on 6 October 2011 to keep the public house open. An e-petition on the same subject had also been received and rejected as they both related to the authority’s planning functions.


Officers confirmed that when the property had been sold in 1954 a restrictive covenant had specified that the site could only be used for use as a public house. However the current owner had since approached the Council to have the covenant lifted as they wished to develop the site for residential purposes. As affordable housing was required in the area officers had worked with the owner to provide 2 affordable houses for rent which was dependent on the granting of planning permission.


Councillor Hodgson, spoke as one of the ward members, of the loss of this vital community resource. Reference was made to the important part it had played in the community over a number of years. He also pointed out that it was essential that consultation was undertaken with the local member in respect of any future similar situations.


Councillor Warters expressed concerns at the lack of consultation undertaken and transparency in respect of this housing site and other sites in the city. He also raised objections to the loss of this community asset and reiterated the need to seek ward members views on contentious issues.


The Cabinet Member referred to the conflicting issues of obtaining affordable housing whilst also protecting community assets.


The Cabinet Member confirmed his understanding of the concerns raised and


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member for City Strategy agrees:


i)             To note the land and planning issues on the Turf Tavern site and the actions taken by officers regarding the restrictive covenant.


ii)                    To request officers respond to the petitioners accordingly.  1.


iii)          That in similar situations in the future, officers seek the views of local ward members. 2.


REASON:                     In order to respond to the petition presented to Council.



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