Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 16/05/2006 - Executive Member For Education and Children's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 105)

105 Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 12 KB

At this point in the meeting, Members will be invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on the agenda.  A list of general personal interests previously declared is attached.


The following Members and Co-optees declared a general personal interest in the items on the agenda  :


Councillor Runciman – Governor of Joseph Rowntree School and York College, and Trustee of the Theatre Royal.

Councillor Aspden – Governor of Knavesmire Primary School. Member of the National Union of Teachers (NUT). Teacher at Norton College, Malton, North Yorkshire.

Councillor Bradley – Governor of Poppleton Ousebank School

Councillor Cuthbertson – Governor of Headlands Primary School

Councillor Hopton – Governor of Manor School, Rufforth Primary School.  Her husband is a governor at Hob Moor Oaks.

Councillor Kind – Governor of Burnholme Community College; Haxby Road Primary School

Councillor Livesley – Governor of Bishopthorpe Infant School.

Councillor Scott – Governor of Clifton Green School.


Dr D Sellick – Governor of Derwent Junior School

Mr A Lawton as governor of Canon Lee School


Ms F Barclay – ATL: Branch Secretary for City of York and Teacher at All Saints School.

Mrs J Ellis – Governor of Burton Green Primary School

Mrs A Burn – Headteacher and Governor of Yearsley Grove Primary School.  Secretary of the York branch of the NAHT

Ms B Reagan is a teacher at Joseph Rowntree School, SENCO and Secretary of the York Association of the National Union of Teachers.

Mr M Thomas is the secretary of the York Association of NASUWT.


The following interests were also declared:


Councillor Kind declared a personal and prejudicial interest in  Agenda Item 5 ‘Standard charges for the use of Residential Homes and Foster Carers, Sharing Care, Adoption and Residence Order Weekly Allowances’ as she was a foster carer. She left the room and took no part in the discussion thereon.


Councillor Livesley declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7 ‘Admission Limits for Primary and Secondary Schools in York from September 2007’ as he was a governor of Bishopthorpe Infant School. He exercised his right to remain in the room and took part in the discussion.


Dr Sellick declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7 ‘Admission Limits for Primary and Secondary Schools in York from September 2007’ as he was a governor of Derwent Junior School. He exercised his right to remain in the room and took part in the discussion.


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