Issue - meetings

York and the 2012 Games

Meeting: 13/12/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 25)

25 Update on York and the 2012 Games pdf icon PDF 97 KB

This report outlines the programme of activities being undertaken in York to support the Cultural Olympiad, the 2012 Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games being held in London.






(i)That the draft programme of events be approved.


(ii) That extra funding be sought to promote this event.


Reason:  To promote the Olympic legacy within the City.


The Cabinet Member considered a report that outlined the programme of activities being undertaken in York to support the Cultural Olympiad, the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympics Games being held in London.


Officers gave an update and confirmed that in 2009 the Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games produced the Yorkshire Gold strategy which outlined the region’s key aspirations for the games in ‘5 Golden Opportunities’:

·       Putting sport centre stage

·       Healthy and cohesive communities

·       A carnival of culture

·       Enhanced profile and tourist potential

·        Winners in business


Officers discussed the list of events that would be taking place from January to October 2012 to promote the Olympic and Paralympic Games.  These events would be available to local residents of all ages to encourage them to get involved. Officers stated that many of the events had either already been awarded an Inspire Mark or applications had been submitted to confirm the Inspire Mark branding. Examples of the programmes include “Sporting Giants”, and the “Celebrating Ability”.


Officers were particularly proud to announce that they had secured the Olympic Torch for an overnight stop in York on19th to 20th June.  To celebrate this an afternoon event would be held on 19th  June to allow families and local residents to learn about a selection of Olympic and Paralympic sports. These would include demonstrations and try it sessions run by national Governing bodies of sport. An evening concert provided by the Torch Sponsors would be taking place on the Knavesmire where the Torch would be hosted.

The Cabinet Member thanked officers for the report. She requested that if possible extra funding should be allocated to allow officers to promote all the events that would be taking place throughout 2012.



(i)           That the draft programme of events be approved.


(ii) That extra funding be sought to promote this event


Reason:  To promote the Olympic legacy within the City.









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