Issue - meetings

Q2 Finance Monitor 2011/12

Meeting: 01/11/2011 - Executive (Item 61)

61 2011-12 Finance and Performance Monitor 2 pdf icon PDF 229 KB

This report provides a summary of the Council’s finance and performance progress for the second monitor period of 2011-12, structured under the 5 priority themes of the new Council Plan.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action can be taken by Members and directorates.


(ii)        That the current projected pressures of £3,504k, and that strategies are being prepared to mitigate this position, be noted.


REASON:      In order to ensure that expenditure is kept within budget.


Members considered a report which provided a summary of the Council’s financial and performance progress during the second monitor period of 2011-12, structured under the five priority themes set out in the new Council Plan.


With regard to performance, significant progress had been made in delivering the Council Plan priorities, including:

·        York’s economy continuing to perform well, with lower than average unemployment and shop vacancies

·        A continued reduction in crime rates in the City

·        An increase in core educational attainment results across York schools

·        A 22% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Details were provided in paragraphs 6-37 of the report.  Performance areas to be addressed included dealing with a continued increase in adult and child social care customers, tackling the shortfall in planning income, increasing bus passenger numbers, improving housing re-let times and encouraging more visits to libraries and sports centres.


With regard to finance, good progress was being made in most areas on delivery of the £21m savings identified as necessary to achieving a balanced budget position for 2011/12.  Mid year forecasts indicated that the Council was facing financial pressures totalling £3,504k across all directorate budgets, as compared to the £4,288k identified in the last monitor report.  Details in respect of individual portfolio areas, corporate budgets, the Dedicated Schools Grant and Housing Revenue Account were set out in paragraphs 46-66.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action can be taken by Members and directorates.


(ii)        That the current projected pressures of £3,504k, and that strategies are being prepared to mitigate this position, be noted.


REASON:      In order to ensure that expenditure is kept within budget.


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