Issue - meetings

Petition requesting John Street to be resurfaced

Meeting: 18/10/2011 - Decision Session - Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Planning and Sustainability (Item 10)

10 Petition - John Street Resurface Request. pdf icon PDF 71 KB

This report is in response to a petition submitted to full Council by Councillor Boyce on 7 July 2011 and signed by 25 residents of John Street and surrounding area. The petition requests that the Council resurface the road on John Street.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED: (i)            That the Cabinet Member noted the receipt of the Petition


(ii)            That the option outlined in Paragraph 8 was approved and that in line with current Council policy, the carriageway be ranked along with other grade 3 roads for inclusion in the 2012/13 scheme programme.


(iii)           That Officers were instructed to contact Yorkshire Water to establish the level of work to be undertaken in John Street and liaise with Councillor Boyce to pass on any information to residents.


(iv)           That the area be considered for spot checks by Council Officers to ensure the carriageway has been put back to a an acceptable level by the utility companies.


REASON:                     In order to seek to address residents concerns and to continue to be in accordance with Council policy.




The Cabinet Member considered a report which outlined a response to a petition which was submitted to full council by Councillor Boyce and signed by 25 residents of John Street and surrounding area. The petition requests that City of York Council resurface the road on John Street.


A copy of the petition was attached at Annex 1 to the report. In 2010/11 the annual condition survey graded the carriageway as 3 (poor).


A resident, Mr. Wheatley had registered to speak and advised the Cabinet Member that the road had deteriorated in recent years and is currently in a bad state of repair. It had been earmarked to be resurfaced at the same time as nearby Mill Lane but the Council had ran out of money. He also advised that there was the additional problem of Utility companies continuously digging up the road and not putting the surface back as it should be.


Councillor Boyce who was also in attendance, advised that she supported the petition and the resurfacing of the road would be of great benefit to residents.


The Head of Highway Infrastructure advised that the road is currently ranked 29th on the list of unclassified roads awaiting resurfacing and would not be included in the 2011/12 programme of work. Depending on the severity of the forthcoming winter and the impact this may or may not have, he advised that John Street would likely be included in the 2012/13 scheme. In addition, he advised that unfortunately the Council is unable to prioritise the road as it would then be taking the place of roads with a greater need of repair.


The Cabinet Member advised that while she acknowledged the frustrations of the residents of John Street, she was unable to approve prioritising the resurfacing due to the significant problem in York of damaged roads. She asked that the Head of Highway Infrastructure contacts Yorkshire Water to establish exactly what work they will be undertaking and asked that John Street be considered by Officers to be spot checked to ensure the utility companies are replacing the surface correctly.




RESOLVED: (i)            That the Cabinet Member noted the receipt of the Petition


(ii)            That the option outlined in Paragraph 8 was approved and that in line with current Council policy, the carriageway be ranked along with other grade 3 roads for inclusion in the 2012/13 scheme programme.


(iii)           That Officers were instructed to contact Yorkshire Water to establish the level of work to be undertaken in John Street and liaise with Councillor Boyce to pass on any information to residents.1


(iv)           That the area be considered for spot checks by Council Officers to ensure the carriageway has been put back to a an acceptable level by the utility companies.


REASON:                     In order to seek to address residents concerns and to continue to be in accordance with Council policy.




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