Issue - meetings
Financial Outturn Year End Report 2010/11
Meeting: 19/07/2011 - Executive (Item 21)
21 Financial Out-turn 2010/11 PDF 121 KB
This report provides details of the headline financial performance issues for 2010-11, covering the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011, outlines requests for the carry forward of budgets into 2011-12 and provides a position statement on the Council’s revenue reserves.
RESOLVED: (i) That the provisional underspend of £369k and the current level of the General Fund reserve be noted.
REASON: In order to inform future financial decision making.
(ii) That the requests for the carry forward of budgets into 2010-12, as detailed in paragraph 28 of the report and totalling £168k, be approved.
REASON: So that resources can be directed into those areas that meet corporate priorities.
Members considered a report which provided details of the headline financial performance issues for the financial year 2010-11, covering the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011, including performance against budgets, requests for carry forwards and the position of the Council’s revenue reserves.
The Council’s provisional out-turn position was an underspend of £369k, with requests for carry-forwards of unspent budgets totalling £168k reducing this position to a potential final underspend of £201k. This represented an improvement of £2,037k since Monitor 3, due primarily to continued stringent cost control methods. However, considerable financial concerns remained looking forward into 2011-12 and beyond. An overview of the out-turn position of each directorate was provided in paragraph 6 of the report, with further details in paragraphs 9 to 27.
Approval was sought for the following requests for carry forwards into the next financial year (all within Communities & Neighbourhoods budgets):
- Ward Committee budgets (unspent street lighting budgets) – £103k
- Target Hardening (schemes under budget) - £31k
- Community Centres (underspends from increased usage) - £34k
It was noted that the Council was facing unprecedented budget challenges in this and future years. A report would be brought to a future meeting to provide Members with an update on the Resources Review, a response on Business rates consultation and a review of alternative forms of financing, (Asset Backed Vehicles, Jessica’s, Tax Increment Financing etc). 1
RESOLVED: (i) That the provisional underspend of £369k and the current level of the General Fund reserve be noted.
REASON: In order to inform future financial decision making.
(ii) That the requests for the carry forward of budgets into 2010-12, as detailed in paragraph 28 of the report and totalling £168k, be approved. 2
REASON: So that resources can be directed into those areas that meet corporate priorities.