Issue - meetings
Annual Highway Maintenance Report 2011
Meeting: 15/03/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Neighbourhoods and Housing. (Item 54)
54 Annual Highway Maintenance Report PDF 197 KB
This report provide a review of the service performance in Highway Maintenance over the last year, it examines issues arising and proposes programmes of work to be undertaken in the financial year 2011/12.
RESOLVED: That the Executive Member:
(i) Noted the review of the 2010/11 and the proposals for 2011/12.
(ii) Approved the allocation of budgets for 2011/12.
(iii)Approved the implementation of the proposed programme.
(iv) Approved the reserve list of schemes.
(v) Approved the additional £823k capital and revenue scheme programme.
(vi) Noted that the Executive would be asked to approve the use of £657k from contingencies.
(vii) Approved the use of preformed speed cushions that are bolted to the roads surface and other such industry wide innovations that will improve City road surfaces.
REASON: To ensure delivery of highway maintenance services in an efficient and cost effective manner.
The Executive Member considered a report which provided a review of the service performance in highway maintenance over the last year, it examined the issues arising and proposed programmes of work to be undertaken in the financial year 2011/12.
Officers outlined the report and highlighted the following key points:
- Work is now being procured through the Specialist Surfacing Framework Agreement and not Tarmac.
- 200k allocated by Members for high priority drainage works had been spent successfully.
- The 5 carriageway resurfacing schemes that are to carry over into 2011/12.
Councillor Alexander had submitted a written comment to request that the road and footpath scheme for Holgate be given priority due to the number of elderly residents that are concerned about the state of the footpaths in the area. Officers advised that the work would be carried out this financial year.
The Executive Member thanked the winter gritting teams in particular the drivers who had worked tirelessly and acknowledged that the resurfacing schemes had been successful and was happy that more had been completed than anticipated in the past year.
RESOLVED: That the Executive Member:
(i) Noted the review of the 2010/11 and the proposals for 2011/12.
(ii) Approved the allocation of budgets for 2011/12.
(iii)Approved the implementation of the proposed programme.
(iv) Approved the reserve list of schemes.
(v) Approved the additional £823k capital and revenue scheme programme.
(vi) Noted that the Executive would be asked to approve the use of £657k from contingencies.
(vii) Approved the use of preformed speed cushions that are bolted to the roads surface and other such industry wide innovations that will improve City road surfaces.
REASON: To ensure delivery of highway maintenance services in an efficient and cost effective manner.