Issue - meetings

Renewal of the YorkCard and Library Card

Meeting: 11/01/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Leisure Culture and Social Inclusion (Item 25)

25 Renewal of the YorkCard and Library Card pdf icon PDF 67 KB

This report seeks approval for a relaunch of the YorkCard in February 2011.


RESOLVED:             (i)            That the report be noted.


(ii)               That the relaunch of the YorkCard be agreed.


(iii)             That the promotion of existing and new offers as set out in the Officer’s report be agreed.


(iv)              That the administrative charge of £2 be agreed.


(v)                That the Executive Member receive an update report at a future Decision Session monitoring the progress of library registration and proportion of YorkCard take up.


(vi)              That Officers explore concessionary prices for the card.


(vii)            That an agreed form of words, in consultation with the Executive Member, Shadow Spokesperson and Directors, be provided for library staff to explain the options available to customers when registering for the YorkCard and Library Card.


REASON:                              To raise awareness of the scheme and ensure that York residents are using all the facilities available to them.




The Executive Member considered a report which sought approval for a relaunch of the YorkCard in February 2011.


The Executive Member was informed by Officers that one of the reasons for the relaunch was due to data inaccuracy and a need to collect equalities information to enable greater understanding of library users in York. Additionally there was a need to promote the benefits of the card to a wider audience, given a common misconception that the YorkCard was only a library card.


In response to comments from Councillor Crisp, Officers stated that they were happy to charge those who had registered within the last six months for a card at a discounted price of £1. They also stated that they would develop a script for staff in libraries on how to tell customers about the new scheme and how to ask for equalities information.


The Executive Member asked Officers for an amendment to be made to their on page 26, paragraph 12, to read;


“It is proposed that cards issued from August 2012 onwards would be free of charge given their short life span.”


He also suggested that Officers further explored the issues around concessions with the card.


RESOLVED:             (i)            That the report be noted.


(ii)               That the relaunch of the YorkCard be agreed.


(iii)             That the promotion of existing and new offers as set out in the Officer’s report be agreed.


(iv)              That the administrative charge of £2 be agreed.


(v)                That the Executive Member receive an update report at a future Decision Session monitoring the progress of library registration and proportion of YorkCard take up.


(vi)              That Officers explore concessionary prices for the card.


(vii)            That an agreed form of words, in consultation with the Executive Member, Shadow Spokesperson and Directors, be provided for library staff to explain the options available to customers when registering for the YorkCard and Library Card.


REASON:                              To raise awareness of the scheme and ensure that York residents are using all the facilities available to them.




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