Issue - meetings

The future of Reablement for City of York Adult Social Care Customers

Meeting: 14/12/2010 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 136)

136 The Reablement Service in York pdf icon PDF 154 KB

This report advises the Executive of the opportunities of a remodelled reablement service, as part of a wider strategy to meet the challenges of changing demographics within the City, and asks Members to consider options on how best to meet these challenges.

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RESOLVED: (i)         That it be noted that, at a time when the number of elderly residents needing the reablement service is increasing, the Council needs to examine how the number of hours of the service can be increased, whilst also recognising the pressure on all budgets at this time.


(ii) That, after considering the City of York Council reviews, the changes that have happened to the in-house service in terms of unit costs and contact time, and after benchmarking these against the costs of local independent providers of the same service, agreement be given to:

a)progress purchasing the ongoing entire expanded reablement service from the independent sector, with staff to be offered the option of voluntary severance for business efficiency reasons, in addition to TUPE, as outlined in paragraphs 19-26 and 50-53 of the report;

b)                 review any further changes that may be need to the in-house service in order to maintain that provision;

c)                  request Officers to update the Executive on progress with the procurement process, the outcome of ongoing consultations, and the production of tables comparing the costs of provision of services (in-house and independent sector) and consequent outcomes;

d)                 request Officers to provide details of the Equalities Impact Assessments of any changes to the service.


REASON:      To allow the City to increase the scale of home-based support to older people in a way which is financially deliverable, provides employment security for staff and which seeks to maintain for as long as possible the independence of local residents.


Members considered a report which advised them of the opportunities offered by a remodelled reablement service, as part of a wider strategy to meet the challenges of changing demographics within the City.


An in-house reablement service had been established in York’s Adult Social Care department in 2008.  It was designed to be of short duration and aimed to promote independence and reduce dependency on long-term packages of care, helping customers to fend for themselves again.  However, the existing service was not large enough to deliver the expected benefits. 


To access the resources needed to expand the service, it was recommended that it be outsourced to the independent sector, with a transfer of all staff under TUPE.  The expected Year 1 costs of expansion under this option (Option B2) were illustrated in Table 3, paragraph 28 of the report, compared with the equivalent costs of the following alternative options:

·        an expanded in-house service (Option A);

·        independent sector delivering a full reablement model (Option B1 – included for illustrative purposes only, as it was not a viable option);

·        independent sector with costs associated with dismissals for business efficiency (Option B3).

The results of consultation with Trades Unions, staff, Health partners and older people on the proposals were summarised in paragraph 7 of the report.


Having noted the comments of the Labour Group Spokespersons on this item and the comments made by union representatives at the meeting, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That it be noted that, at a time when the number of elderly residents needing the reablement service is increasing, the Council needs to examine how the number of hours of the service can be increased, whilst also recognising the pressure on all budgets at this time.


(ii) That, after considering the City of York Council reviews, the changes that have happened to the in-house service in terms of unit costs and contact time, and after benchmarking these against the costs of local independent providers of the same service, agreement be given to:

a)progress purchasing the ongoing entire expanded reablement service from the independent sector, with staff to be offered the option of voluntary severance for business efficiency reasons, in addition to TUPE, as outlined in paragraphs 19-26 and 50-53 of the report;1

b)                 review any further changes that may be need to the in-house service in order to maintain that provision;1

c)                  request Officers to update the Executive on progress with the procurement process, the outcome of ongoing consultations, and the production of tables comparing the costs of provision of services (in-house and independent sector) and consequent outcomes;2

d)                 request Officers to provide details of the Equalities Impact Assessments of any changes to the service. 2


REASON:      To allow the City to increase the scale of home-based support to older people in a way which is financially deliverable, provides employment security for staff and which seeks to maintain for as long as possible the independence of local residents.


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