Issue - meetings
Development Management - Planning and Development Advice
Meeting: 30/11/2010 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 124)
124 Development Management Pre-application Advice Service PDF 112 KB
This report informs Members of changes made to the Development Management function to formalise the provision of high quality, customer focused pre-application service, and seeks approval for the introduction of new fees and charges as a contribution towards the cost of the discretionary service.
Additional documents:
- Annex 1 Development Management, item 124 PDF 49 KB
- Annex 2 Development Management, item 124 PDF 63 KB
RESOLVED: (i) That Option B be endorsed and that the proposals to introduce the Development Management approach, with charging for the provision of pre-application advice in relation to planning and associated applications, be approved.
REASON: So that Officers can prepare for the implementation of an improved, customer-orientated approach to the provision of discretionary planning advice.
(ii) That the fees and charges outlined in Annex 2 to the report be approved for implementation from 1 January 2011.
REASON: So that the continued provision of an enhanced pre-application service can be assured.
(iii) That Officers prepare and publish details of guidelines / protocols explaining the nature and operation of the service and that these be publicised before the new arrangements are implemented.
REASON: So that developers and agents are aware of the reasons for the introduction of the new service arrangements and understand in advance of implementation how they will operate.
(iv) That a review of the service and arrangements for it be undertaken, with a report to be brought to Executive in January 2012.
REASON: So that the Executive may be advised of the impact of the proposals and consider any revisions to them as may be deemed necessary.
Members considered a report which informed them of changes made to the Development Management function, to formalise the provision of a high quality, customer-focused pre-application service, and sought approval to introduce new fees and charges as a contribution towards the cost of the discretionary service.
The changes were associated with the transition earlier in the year from Development Control to Development Management. The proposed new pre-application service, as detailed in paragraphs 11 to 21 of the report, would be more structured, time-bound and customer-focused than the existing arrangements for providing advice before submission of planning applications. It was noted that an increasing number of local authorities now charged for pre-application advice, and some of these were listed in Annex 1 to the report. Details of the new fees proposed for York were set out in Annex 2.
Members were invited to consider the following options:
Option A – do not introduce charging for pre-application and other discretionary advice currently provided.
Option B – introduce charging for discretionary advice, as set out in Annex 2. This was the recommended option, as it would provide the optimum balance between recovering costs and encouraging pre-application engagement.
Option C – introduce charging, but with a generally lower fee rate.
Option D – introduce charging, but with a generally higher fee rate.
Having noted the comments of the Labour Group Spokespersons on this item, it was
RESOLVED: (i) That Option B be endorsed and that the proposals to introduce the Development Management approach, with charging for the provision of pre-application advice in relation to planning and associated applications, be approved.
REASON: So that Officers can prepare for the implementation of an improved, customer-orientated approach to the provision of discretionary planning advice.
(ii) That the fees and charges outlined in Annex 2 to the report be approved for implementation from 4 January 2011. 1.
REASON: So that the continued provision of an enhanced pre-application service can be assured.
(iii) That Officers prepare and publish details of guidelines / protocols explaining the nature and operation of the service and that these be publicised before the new arrangements are implemented. 2.
REASON: So that developers and agents are aware of the reasons for the introduction of the new service arrangements and understand in advance of implementation how they will operate.
(iv) That a review of the service and arrangements for it be undertaken, with a report to be brought to Executive in January 2012. 3.
REASON: So that the Executive may be advised of the impact of the proposals and consider any revisions to them as may be deemed necessary.