Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Preparation of Definitive Map Former County Borough of York (Fishergate, Guildhall and Micklegate Wards)

Meeting: 06/04/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 95)

95 Public Rights of Way - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Preparation of Definitive Map Former County Borough of York (Fishergate, Guildhall and Micklegate Wards) pdf icon PDF 125 KB

This report seeks to assist the Executive Member in determining whether or not to make a number of Definitive Map Modification Orders to record public rights of way on the Definitive Map for the former County Borough of York within Fishergate, Guildhall and Micklegate Wards.

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RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member defers a decision on the proposals until the next meeting in order to allow officers time to prepare a tabular response to each of the representations which have been made in writing by Councillors Merrett, D’Agorne and the Ramblers Association.


REASON:                  In order to allow the Executive Member to be fully informed when making decisions on the  addition of these footpaths to a Definitive Map and in making Definitive Map Modification Orders to register the existence of all public rights of way in that area.


Consideration was given to a report, which sought to assist the Executive Member in determining whether or not to make a number of Definitive Map Modification Orders to record public rights of way on the Definitive Map for the former County Borough of York within Fishergate, Guildhall and Micklegate Wards.


The Definitive Map Officer updated and circulated details of Officers comments in respect of a number of issues recently raised by Councillors D’Agorne and Merrett and from David Nunns, on behalf of the Ramblers Association. She stated that a number of the points raised by David Nunns still required further examination. She also confirmed that whilst a number of paths had not been included at this time this was only the first stage towards the production of a Definitive Map and these paths could be picked up for further investigation at a later stage.


Cllr Merrett confirmed that he was still unclear in relation to the process involved in recording the existence of these paths and to the consultation being undertaken. He requested clarification and reassurances in respect of the processes. He referred to the large number of paths, which were listed for no further action and to a number of paths being cut off on the plans attached to the report. He stated that he had found it difficult to interpret the maps particularly in relation to the coloured paths.


David Nunns, made representations on behalf of the Ramblers Association and he confirmed that he was pleased with progress on the Definitive Map Modification Order’s. He hoped that the publicity surrounding this work would promote the use of these paths for residents, giving health benefits and resulting in less car use and pollution. He asked for clarification of the term ‘no further action at this time’ and asked for confirmation that these paths would be included at a later stage. He went onto suggest that an annual inspection of these paths should be undertaken by volunteers to reduce costs.


Officers confirmed that a list of the routes proposed for examination in the future would be prepared and that Officers would re-examine the processes and consider the use of Ward Newsletters to gain publicity.


The Executive Member stated that as a number of issues had only recently be raised and to enable these to be publicised and given appropriate consideration he proposed to defer further consideration of this report until the next meeting. He confirmed that this would enable all the points raised to be listed in the report and for Officers to set out their comments on each.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member defers a decision on the proposals until the next meeting in order to allow officers time to prepare a tabular response to each of the representations which have been made in writing by Councillors Merrett, D’Agorne and the Ramblers Association. 1.


REASON:                  To enable the Executive Member to be fully informed when making decisions on the addition of these footpaths to a Definitive Map and in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95


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