Issue - meetings

Progress on the School Travel Planning process and associated safe routes to school initiatives

Meeting: 05/01/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 65)

65 School Travel Planning process and the associated 'Safe Routes to School' initiative pdf icon PDF 153 KB

This report outlines the work that has been undertaken by the Council in partnership with schools to increase the number of journeys being made to school by sustainable modes of transport. The report also reviews the associated ‘safe routes to school’ initiatives which have been identified as part of the travel planning process.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:                       That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

i) Note the content of the report.

ii) Note that officers will review the Census data, submitted in January 2010 to create a priority list of schools who will be specifically targeted in 2010/11. A further report will be brought to a future meeting to determine the priority list.

iii) Encourage staff & school governors to continue to engage with the school travel planning process to increase the percentage of journeys made to school by sustainable modes and specifically to make available publicly, for example via their internet web sites, individual school travel plans and performance monitoring information.

iv) With the agreement of the affected schools, information on individual travel plans also be provided on the Councils web site


REASON:                                          The travel planning process will only affect staff and student modal shift with the engagement of the whole school community.


Consideration was given to a report, which outlined the work that had been undertaken by the Council in partnership with schools to increase the number of journeys being made to school by sustainable modes of transport. The report also reviewed the associated ‘safe routes to school’ initiatives, which had been identified as part of the travel planning process.


The Executive Member confirmed that both Cllrs Merrett and Potter were broadly in support of the proposals and that Cllr Merretts additional comments would be dealt with by Officers outside the meeting.


Officers referred to Annex A of the report which showed an example map of school postcode plots and confirmed that the inner circle showed those properties within a 5 minute walk of a school and the outer circle those with within a 10 minute cycle ride.


The Executive Member expressed concern about the profile that schools gave to their school travel plans and information on their websites. He stated that he hoped schools would in future give travel plans a higher profile as walking and cycling were healthier options.


RESOLVED:                        That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

i)  Note the content of the report.

ii) Note that officers will review the Census data, submitted in January 2010 to create a priority list of schools who will be specifically targeted in 2010/11. A further report will be brought to a future meeting to determine the priority list. 1.

iii) Encourage staff and school governors to continue to engage with the school travel planning process to increase the percentage of journeys made to school by sustainable modes and specifically to make available publicly, for example via their internet web sites, individual school travel plans and performance monitoring information.

 iv) With the agreement of the affected schools, also provide information on individual travel plans on the Councils web site. 2.


REASON:                                          The travel planning process will only affect staff and student modal shift with the engagement of the whole school community.


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