Issue - meetings

Westminster Road Area Consultation and Survey Results

Meeting: 05/01/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 64)

64 Westminster Road Area Consultation and Survey Results pdf icon PDF 94 KB

This report brings to the attention of the Executive Member the key results of the vehicle surveys and questionnaire carried out in relation to the through traffic in the Westminster Road area, following the introduction of the Water End cycle scheme.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:                       That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees:

i) To implement a 20mph zone for the area.

ii) To note the outcome of the traffic surveys and questionnaire and take no further action at this time on introducing a point closure.

iii) That the results of the survey be also considered  scheme.

iv)That the Police be requested to monitor the junctions in this area with a view to addressing any examples they may find of inappropriate driver behaviour.


REASON:                  As the lower speeds due to the traffic calming justify the introduction of a lower speed limit.

As the options of closing the area to through traffic does not have support from a significant proportion of the local community that would be affected by a closure.

As the options of investigating the use of chicanes and road narrowings are not well supported by local residents.


The Executive Member considered a report which brought to his attention the key results of the vehicle surveys and questionnaire carried out in relation to the through traffic in the Westminster Road area. The survey and questionnaire had been carried out following the introduction of the Water End Cycle Scheme.


He reported that the following additional representations and information had been included in the republished agenda:

·        comments of the four Member Task Group of the Economic and City Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee supporting closure of the road to through traffic

·        comments of 3 residents of Westminster Road

·        details of comparative traffic volumes for similar roads in the area and referred to additional correspondence received from Cllr Scott also in support of point closure and the reintroduction of the filter lane at Water End.


Officers confirmed that the speed limit proposals were unlikely to influence traffic levels but that the results of the surveys would be considered as part of any future evaluation of the Water End cycle scheme.


Representations in support of point closure of Westminster Road were received from a local resident. He referred to the detrimental impact of through traffic on the residential road since the nearby cycle scheme had been implemented. He confirmed that these issues had been raised with local Councillors, the Ward Committee and Officers. He stated that the increase in traffic was affecting residents well being and quality of life as the road was being used as a ‘rat run’ and that the only effective solution would be point closure.


Representations were also received from another Westminster Road resident who confirmed that he had spoken to the Task Group and that residents were looking for a lasting solution to the traffic problems in the area. He stated that residents had seen a 97% increase in through traffic since the changes at Water End which had resulted in a deterioration in their environment. He requested the Executive Member to support Option A for the making of a Traffic Regulation Order to close both Westminster Road and Greencliffe Drive as residents felt that this problem would only get worse.


Councillor King, as one of the Ward Members, referred to the points raised by Cllr Scott. He stated that following two very well attended public meetings the majority of local residents had requested closure of Westminster Road. He did however question the inclusion of Greencliffe Drive residents in the survey. He went onto state that a traffic flow survey before and after the works at the Water End junction would have been useful. He stated that the Executive Member had a duty to resolve these problems and he requested a point closure of the road.


Councillor Pierce, spoke as an individual member of the Task Group. He confirmed that he neither supported nor opposed the introduction of a 20mph speed limit as this limit would be self-enforcing. He pointed out that any point closure would have a knock on effect at the Water End junction and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64


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