Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the alleyway between St Paul's Terrace and Railway Terrace, Holgate Ward, York

Meeting: 01/12/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 53)

53 Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the alleyway between St Paul's Terrace and Railway Terrace, Holgate Ward, York pdf icon PDF 95 KB

This report considers the proposal to gate the alleyway between St Paul’s Terrace and Railway Terrace, Holgate Ward, in order to help prevent crime and anti social behaviour associated with it.

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RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member approves Option B and authorises the Director of City Strategy to instruct the Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services to make a Gating Order over this route in accordance with Section 129A of the Highways Act 1980, as amended.

REASON:                  In order that public rights over the alleyway be restricted under S129A, Highways Act 1980 so that crime and anti-social behaviour associated with the route can be reduced.


Consideration was given to a report, which examined a proposal to gate the alleyway between St Paul’s Terrace, Holgate Ward in order to help prevent crime and anti social behaviour associated with it.


Councillor Alexander, as Local Member, confirmed that residents supported this scheme and were in favour of its progression.


The Executive Member confirmed that there had been no opposition to this proposal. He then considered the following options:


Option A.        Do nothing and not progress the request to make a Gating Order to restrict public access along the alleyway. This option is not recommended.


Option B.        Authorise the making a Gating Order to restrict public use of the alleyway. This option is recommended.



RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member approves Option B and authorises the Director of City Strategy to instruct the Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services to make a Gating Order over this route in accordance with Section 129A of the Highways Act 1980, as amended. 1.

REASON:                  In order that public rights over the alleyway be restricted under S129A, Highways Act 1980 so that crime and anti-social behaviour associated with the route can be reduced.


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