Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over 10 alleyways in the Leeman Road area of Holgate Ward, York

Meeting: 01/12/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 52)

52 Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over 10 alleyways in the Leeman Road area of Holgate Ward, York pdf icon PDF 104 KB

This report considers the proposal to gate 10 alleyways in the Leeman Road area of Holgate Ward in order to prevent crime and anti social behaviour associated with these alleys.

Additional documents:


Option C.            Authorise the making of all 10 Gating Orders to restrict public use of the alleyways. Change waste collection from the rear of properties to front collection using bags on all alleyways except for those 5 streets for which objections were received regarding the proposed new methods of waste collection (see paragraph 9). These alleyways will operate a central collection point for bags  to be situated outside the gated area for a trial period of three months. This option is recommended.


RESOLVED:   That the Executive Member approves Option C, but excluding Bright Street/Kingsland Terrace, and authorises the Director of City Strategy to instruct the Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services to make Gating Orders over the remaining 9 alleyways in accordance with Section 129A of the Highways Act 1980, as amended. Waste collection will change from the rear of properties to the front of properties using bags on all alleys except those 5 for which objections were received expressing concern regarding the proposed new methods of waste collection. These alleyways will operate a central collection point for bags to be situated outside the gated area.


REASON:                  In order that public rights over the alleyways can be restricted under S129A, Highway Act 1980 so that crime and anti social behaviour associated with these routes can be reduced.


The Executive Member considered a report, which examined the proposal to gate 10 alleyways in the Leeman Road area of Holgate Ward in order to prevent crime and anti social behaviour associated with these alleys.


Officers confirmed that if gating orders were made and gates installed, residents waste would be required to be presented in bags. Waste collection would change from the rear to the front of the properties or to a central collection point outside the gates.


Representations were received from a resident of Kingsland Terrace who expressed her surprise that this was considered a high crime area. She referred to a recent copy of Your Ward in which it had confirmed that there had been a large decrease in incidences of crime in this area. She pointed out that she had no wish to be locked in and that differing circumstances in individual streets should be taken into account.


A representative of Rosebery Street made representations in support of the gating of these alleyways. He referred to the problems encountered with anti social behaviour and burglaries, which he felt these proposals would alleviate.


Representations regarding the proposed changes in waste collection were made on behalf of the Ramblers Association. Reference was made to the Walking for Health initiatives in urban area, which encouraged residents to walk from their homes. It was pointed out that with the changes proposed to waste collection to the front of some of these properties that this would leave less space for the passage of prams and scooters. It was suggested that all waste collections should be made from the rear of the properties.


Councillor Alexander, as Local Member, confirmed that a number of residents had requested alley gating owing to the number of burglaries during which access had been gained from the rear of the premises. He stated that there were also a number of residents against the proposals but that these were often from properties in the centre of the terraces. He also confirmed that the change in waste collection was again their main concern and he hoped that the trial of a central collection point would prove successful.


Officers confirmed that pilot’s of waste collection for gated alleys had proved successful in other areas and that they would work with residents in this area and address any concerns.


The Executive Member confirmed that from representations made there appeared to be no scheme that would satisfy all residents. He then considered the following options:


Option A.            Do not authorise the making of the 10 Gating Orders. This option is not recommended.


Option B.            Authorise the making of all 10 Gating Orders to restrict public use of the alleyways and change waste collection, from the rear of all affected properties, to front collection using bags. This option is not recommended.


Option C.            Authorise the making of all 10 Gating Orders to restrict public use of the alleyways. Change waste collection from the rear of properties to front collection using bags on all alleyways  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52


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