Issue - meetings

Strensall Road extension of 40mph speed limit

Meeting: 01/12/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 56)

56 Strensall Road, Towthorpe - Extension of 40mph speed limit pdf icon PDF 128 KB

This report advises the Executive Member of proposals to extend the existing 40mph speed limit on Strensall Road, Towthorpe further south.

Additional documents:


         RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member agrees to:


i)              The implementation of the scheme described in the  Officer report which provides for relevant traffic sign alterations to extend the 40mph speed limit along Strensall Road, including the red surface treatment.


                           ii) Request Officers to also bring forward a more comprehensive scheme aimed at addressing the other concerns raised by consultees.


         REASON:                  To respond to consultation feedback and objections to the extension of the 40mph speed limit.


The Executive Member considered proposals to extend the existing 40mph speed limit on Strensall Road at Towthorpe further south. The scheme was intended to improve road safety around the Towthorpe Road and Towthorpe Moor Lane junctions.


Officers had reported that the scheme involved the:

  • Widening of Strensall Road to provide a right turn lane into Towthorpe Moor Lane:
  • Pedestrian refuge island crossing point on Strensall Road with traffic calming;
  • Extension of the 40mph speed limit on Strensall Road south of the junctions with Towthorpe Road and Towthorpe Moor Lane.


Councillor Wiseman, as Local Member, confirmed that there had been local concerns for a number of years in relation to high traffic flows and speeds affecting right turns into side roads in this area. She indicated her support for the scheme but with the retention of the red coloured road surfacing at the speed limit gateways. She also expressed her support for Officers undertaking a further review of road safety issues in the area with a view to further proposals coming forward in the New Year.


Officers referred to possible abortive expense in providing the coloured surfacing which may subsequently have to be removed. The road would then require resurfacing if any further extension of the speed limit was undertaken.  


The options then considered by the Executive Member were: -


Option 1 - authorise implementation of the proposals shown at Annex A


Option 2 - approve for implementation an amended scheme plus any other changes to the proposals that the Executive Member considers necessary.

Option 3 – defer the current scheme and carry out a wider study of traffic speed and road safety issues in the area.


Option 4 - abandon the scheme


         RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member agrees to:


i)              The implementation of the scheme described in the Officer report which provides for relevant traffic sign alterations to extend the 40mph speed limit along Strensall Road, including the red surface treatment. 1.


                           ii) Request Officers to also bring forward a more comprehensive scheme aimed at addressing the other concerns raised by consultees. 2.



         REASON:                  To respond to consultation feedback and objections to the extension of the 40mph speed limit.


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