Issue - meetings

Adoption of Highways on New Estates

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 27)

27 Adoption of Highways on New Estates pdf icon PDF 50 KB

This report is in response to the Executive Member’s request at the Executive meeting in April 2009 for a further report on the wider issues of highway adoption.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member:


i)        Approves Option A, as set out in paragraphs 34 to 36 of the Officer report;


ii)      Requests the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods to review the arrangements for, and costs of adopting, those streets in the City which historically have not been maintained by the Council.


REASON:                  To allow officers to present details of the progress being made on outstanding developments and provide the basis for informed judgement.  This option also proposes to establish a forum with developers in York, which it is hoped will help to promote highway adoptions more quickly.


The Executive Member considered a report on the adoption of highways on new estates.  The report had been prepared in response to his request at the Executive Meeting in April 2009. 


The report provided a background to the issues, including some of the obstacles to be overcome, and suggested a number of initiatives and proposals to improve the service.


The Executive Member confirmed that this was a useful report, which detailed progress being made in adopting, for maintenance purposes, recent developments. He pointed out that the backlog in adoptions appeared to be reducing but that there was scope for regular review reports as suggested by Officers.


He then gave consideration to the following options:


Option A – to note the contents of the briefing report and request that officers prepare a further interim progress report in the final quarter of the year, which would set out highways adoptions completed and current work programme/site activity.  In addition a subsequent annual progress report could be brought to the Executive Member on the service.  Officers would make further contact with other local authorities to establish if improvements could be made to current systems/procedures.  Arrangements would be made to establish a local developer forum, which would aim to meet twice a year, with officers and the Executive Member with the objective of discussing current development progress and future schemes.


Option B – to undertake a detailed review of highway adoption procedures.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member:


i)        Approves Option A, as set out in paragraphs 34 to 36 of the Officer report; 1.


ii)      Requests the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods to review the arrangements for, and costs of adopting, those streets in the City, which historically have not been maintained by the Council.  2.


REASON:                  To allow officers to present details of the progress being made on outstanding developments and provide the basis for informed judgement.  This option also proposes to establish a forum with developers in York, which it is hoped will help to promote highway adoptions more quickly.


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