Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - the future of the current gating order on the snicket between Carrfield and Chantry Close, Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 23)

23 Public Right of Way - Future of the current gating order on the snicket between Carrfield and Chantry Close, Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward pdf icon PDF 56 KB

This report considers the future of the current gating order on the snicket between Carrfield and Chantry Close in the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward.

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RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member approves Option A and that the Director of City Strategy be authorised to instruct the Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services to formally review the order with the purpose of revoking the gating order which exists on the snicket between Carrfield and Chantry Close, Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward, in accordance with s129F(3) of the Highways Act 1980.


REASON:                  The restriction imposed by the order is no longer expedient in all the circumstances for the purpose of reducing crime or anti social behaviour and because of residents’ concerns, which are detailed in the report.


The Executive Member considered a report regarding the future of the current gating order on the snicket between Carrfield and Chantry Close, Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward, taking into account the current levels of crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) and the views of residents living on both streets.


The Executive Member referred to further representations received from:

  • Ward Councillors – confirmation that the snicket had been a source of anti social behaviour over a number of years. They referred to the division of views on the provision of a gate and for the need for any future consultation on gating orders to specify those residents who would be eligible for a key or PIN.
  • Cindy Redpath of Chantry Close in opposition to the gating order, particularly as this area was no longer a high crime area.


Representations were then received at the meeting from the following:

  • Mr M Wilson of Chantry Close who confirmed that he lived adjacent to the snicket and that he was still experiencing anti social behaviour problems, which he felt, still supported the provision of a gate. He also confirmed that he had no wish to build or use the adjacent land as referred to by some residents in the report.
  • Mrs Holmes of Chantry Close referred to problems she would encounter if the snicket was gated which included her key holder who used this access. She also stated that this was a public right of way which once closed would be lost and not easily returned to public use.
  • Mrs Shields of Chantry Close confirmed that she had lived in the area for 24 years and that it had never been a high crime area. It was felt that gating the snicket could have the opposite affect.
  • Mr John Andrews of Chantry Close stated that originally he had felt that such schemes were an excellent method of curbing anti social behaviour but he felt that this proposal would be counter productive, was in the wrong location and could not justified. He confirmed that he supported the revocation of the order.
  • Mr Houghton of Carrfield Close pointed out that this was a public right of way and not a cycle track and that there should be a barrier at this point to make this clear. He did confirm that gating the snicket would be inconvenient to many residents.
  • Councillor Reid confirmed that this was an unenviable decision to make but that the original petition had been collected in good faith from local residents who had, at that time, supported the gating of the snicket. She referred to the frustrations in relation to the current legislation but reluctantly she supported the revoking of the order. She finally thanked officers for their efforts and time spent on trying to alleviate this matter.


Following consideration of all comments received the Executive Member then considered the following options. He also confirmed that he felt further trials on restricting access were required in less sensitive locations but that he must take into  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23


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