Issue - meetings

2009/10 City Strategy Capital Programme Monitor 1 Report

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 26)

26 City Strategy Capital Programme - 2009/10 Monitor 1 Report pdf icon PDF 52 KB

This report sets out progress to date on schemes in the 2009/10 City Strategy Capital Programme and makes adjustments to scheme allocations to align them with latest cost estimates and delivery projections.

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RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member:


(i)Approves the adjustments set out in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report;


(ii)               Approves the changes to the allocation of the Cycling City funding, subject to the approval of the Executive.


REASON:                  To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.


The Executive Member considered a report which set out progress to date on schemes in the 2009/10 City Strategy Capital Programme, and made adjustments to scheme allocations to align with latest cost estimates and delivery projections.


It was reported that the current approved budget for the City Strategy Capital Programme for 2009/10 was £5,786k, which included £3,374k of Local Transport Plan (LTP) funding.


It was reported that the proposed key changes were:

  • Reduced allocations for the Access York Phase 1, Blossom Street Multi-Modal and Fishergate Gyratory Schemes;
  • The addition of an allocation for the implementation of the Beckfield Lane Phase 2 cycle route in 2009/10;
  • Inclusion of the details of the School Cycle Parking schemes in the programme;
  • Reduction of the overall budget by £516k due to the virement of funds to Neighbourhood Services.


Councillor Merrett referred to the need for flexibility in Year 3 in relation to the Cycling City schemes, and questioned the air quality position and the need for a review.


The Executive Member confirmed that it was still early in the year for the capital programme likely outturn to be forecast accurately but that good progress was being made with scheme development and consultation. He went onto state that some of the schemes would as planned slip into 2010 in order to stay within budget.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member:


(i)Approves the adjustments set out in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report; 1.


(ii)               Approves the changes to the allocation of the Cycling City funding, subject to the approval of the Executive. 2.


REASON:                  To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.


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