Issue - meetings

Review of night time taxi rank provision

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 90)

90 Review of Night Time Taxi Rank Provision pdf icon PDF 38 KB

This report presents a petition in relation to the hours of operation of the Duncombe Place taxi rank and seeks direction as to any action required and approval to consult on the creation of additional night time ranking provision in the city.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


(i)         Approve Option 1, to take no action at the present time with respect to the Duncombe Place taxi rank operational hours;

(i)                 Approve Option 5 for Officers to investigate improvements to the late night taxi rank provision as suggested by the York Taxi Association;

(ii)               Approve Option 6 to instruct Officers to draw up proposals for, and consult upon, potential alternative late night rank locations.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:         (i) To protect the residents and guests of the Dean Court Hotel from late night disturbance.


        (ii) (iii) To reduce the dependence on the Duncombe Place taxi rank and to reduce the dispersal of persons from the city centre during night time hours.


Members considered a report, which referred to a petition, received in relation to the hours of operation of the Duncombe Place taxi rank and sought direction as to any action required. The report requested approval to consult on the creation of additional night time ranking provision in the city. Consideration was given to copies of two emails received from York residents circulated at the meeting, in support of the Duncombe Place rank reverting to 24 hr operation.


The report detailed the siting of the 28 full time, 8 part time and 33 additional taxi ranking places in the city centre at Annex 1 of the report. Members were reminded that any creation, dissolution or alteration to taxi ranks was governed by legislation and would require statutory consultation to be undertaken.


Officers confirmed that the Police had been consulted, following receipt of the petition, seeking their views on the proposals made by the taxi trade, but to date no reply had been received.


Members questioned the reasons for the 10pm cut off time for the Duncombe Place rank, especially in view of the close proximity of the Theatre Royal whose patrons often left after that time. Officers confirmed that this had been agreed to prevent noise and disturbance for hotel guests and local residents in the vicinity.


Cllr Scott then moved Option 2 as the preferred option for the Duncombe Place rank, which was seconded by Cllr Potter. On being put to the vote this was lost.


Members then considered the following options proposed in the report and suggested a possible combination of the options.


Duncombe Place Rank


Option 1 Retain the existing operating hours i.e. 07.30 – 22 00hours


Option 2 Instigate the statutory procedure to cause this rank to revert to a 24 hour operation


Option 3 Instigate the statutory procedure to alter the hours of operation of the rank to some other time period.


Other night time ranks


Option 4 Take no further action


Option 5 Instruct officers to look at the feasibility of the proposals put forward by the York Taxi Association for the creation of, and alterations to other night time taxi ranks; and, where feasible, consult upon those proposals prior to implementation. Any objections to be reported back to the Executive members.


Option 6 Instruct officers to draw up proposals for, and consult upon, potential alterative late night rank locations.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


(i)         Approve Option 1, to take no action at the present time with respect to the Duncombe Place taxi rank operational hours;

(i)                 Approve Option 5 for Officers to investigate improvements to the late night taxi rank provision as suggested by the York Taxi Association; 1.

(ii)               Approve Option 6 to instruct Officers to draw up proposals for, and consult upon, potential alternative late night rank locations. 2.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 90


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