Issue - meetings

Proposed Cycle Path - St Oswald's Road to Landing Lane.

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 93)

93 Proposed Cycle Route - St Oswald's Road to Landing Lane. pdf icon PDF 47 KB

This report discusses issues arising from a feasibility study of the A19 Fulford Corridor and puts forward proposals for an extension of the existing riverside cycle route southwards from St Oswald’s Road.  

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)                 Note the outcome of the feasibility study.

(ii)               Give in principle support to the creation of the proposed 

           cycle/pedestrian path shown in Annex C of the report.

(iii)             Endorse the recommended action plan to move the project forward (as set out in Option a) and, as part of this, give authorisation for officers to submit a planning application to build the proposed path over Fulford Ings.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:        The proposed scheme will provide significant improvements for cyclists in this area, and make a significant contribution towards the aims of the Council as a Cycling City.


Members received a report which presented issues which had arisen from a feasibility study in relation to a proposed extension of the existing riverside cycle route southwards from St Oswald’s Road.

It was reported that the feasibility study had identified a number of problems to overcome in creating a surfaced cycle path over Fulford Ings. These included cost, legal issues, part of the Ings being a Site of Special Scientific Interest, the need for planning permission and part of the route crossing existing public rights of way and land designated as a Village Green.

Members agreed that further consideration, regarding the viability of the scheme, should be delayed until consultation on the proposals had been undertaken. It was also pointed out that this route was the only potential alternative for cyclists other than the very busy Main Street in Fulford.

Members then considered the following options:

          (a)     To support the project being taken forward in line with Officers proposed two-stage action plan.

          (b)     To consider and agree an alternative action plan to move the project forward.

          (c)     To abandon the project.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)                 Note the outcome of the feasibility study.


(ii)               Give in principle support to the creation of the proposed 

           cycle/pedestrian path shown in Annex C of the report.


(iii)   Endorse the recommended action plan to move the project forward (as set out in Option a) and, as part of this, give authorisation for officers to submit a planning application to build the proposed path over Fulford Ings.  1.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:        The proposed scheme will provide significant improvements for cyclists in this area, and make a significant contribution towards the aims of the Council as a Cycling City.


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