Issue - meetings

Petition for removing traffic and pedestrian hazards on Clifton Green

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 95)

95 Petition Concerning Traffic and Pedestrian Hazards on Clifton Green pdf icon PDF 37 KB

This report advises Members of receipt of a petition from residents of Clifton Dale and Clifton Green in relation to three traffic concerns at Clifton Green.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)           Note the content of the petition;

(ii)                    Support Options a – d as outlined in paragraph 29 of the report;


(iii)                  As part of the review in this area Officers to also examine:

·                    Possible creation of a crossing point on the A19 near to St Philip and St James Church, Clifton;

·                    Measures to slow traffic when turning left into Clifton Green, adjacent to the Old Grey Mare to enable pedestrians to cross safely.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


 REASON:   To acknowledge the traffic concerns raised by residents living in the vicinity of Clifton Green.   


Members were advised of receipt of a petition from residents of Clifton Dale and Clifton Green, which requested the Council to consider three traffic concerns at Clifton Green. Residents referred to:

·        Overnight parking of buses outside the Hotel Noir;

·        The dangerous crossing point as the road narrowed between the Hotel Noir and the Green;

·        Cyclists use of the pavement from Water End past Clifton Green, the Hotel Noir and the Old Grey Mare.


Officers updated that the overnight parking of buses was no longer a problem, as the Hotel Noir no longer accommodated school parties.


Members referred to a number of other issues in relation to this area. These included the possible creation of a crossing point on the A19 near to St Philip and St James Church, Clifton, measures to slow traffic when turning left into Clifton Green adjacent to the Old Grey Mare to enable pedestrians to cross safely and a contra flow system for cyclists using the Clifton Green road.


In response to the three safety concerns raised in the petition, the following options were then considered:


a)     The manager of ‘Hotel Noir’ advises that buses or coaches no longer park outside the hotel. In light of the change of management, it is recommended that the situation be monitored but that no action is taken at this point.


b)     Council officers review the safety of the crossing point between ‘Hotel Noir’ and Clifton Green with a view to consideration being given to any engineering measures that might be introduced to better control traffic speeds. This review will be incorporated into a larger review of pedestrian access to Clifton Green.


c)      Council officers review the chicane at the entrance to Clifton Green, in line with the speed management plan.


d)     Continued monitoring of misuse of Clifton Green by cyclists following the introduction of the cycle measures on Water End.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)           Note the content of the petition;

(ii)                    Support Options a – d as outlined in paragraph 29 of the report; 1.


(iii)                  As part of the review in this area Officers to also examine:

·                    Possible creation of a crossing point on the A19 near to St Philip and St James Church, Clifton;

·                    Measures to slow traffic when turning left into Clifton Green, adjacent to the Old Grey Mare to enable pedestrians to cross safely. 2.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


 REASON:   To acknowledge the traffic concerns raised by residents living in the vicinity of Clifton Green.   


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