Issue - meetings

Neighbourhood Services Directorate and Service Plans for 2009/10

Meeting: 18/03/2009 - Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel (Item 67)

67 Neighbourhood Services 2009-10 Directorate Plan and Service Plans pdf icon PDF 42 KB

This report seeks the Executive Member’s approval for the 2009-10 Directorate Plan.  It also seeks approval for the twelve 2009-10 Service Plans for Neighbourhood Services.  

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve option 1 - to agree the directorate plan, and the scorecard sections of service plans. 



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To agree a clear direction for services in 2009/10.


Members considered a report which sought the Executive Member’s approval for the 2009-10 Directorate Plan and also approval for the twelve 2009-10 Service Plans for Neighbourhood Services.  


The report presented the following options for consideration:

(i)         Option 1: To agree the directorate plan, and the scorecard sections of service plans. 

(ii)        Option 2: To agree the directorate plan, and the scorecard sections of service plans, with amendments.

The Interim Director of Neighbourhood Services drew Members’ attention to the “Excellence in Everything” Organisational Development Programme which the Directorate was developing  and which would become a core way of working within the directorate.


Officers answered Members queries in relation to the target of 5% for  bullying/harassment target as highlighted in the staff survey. They explained what measures were in place to enable staff to report any issues in this area. The Interim Director added that this had been highlighted in the Excellence in Everything programme as an area for improvement.


With regard to kerbside recycling, Members referred to the targets (BVPI91b) for the numbers of properties to be offered kerbside collections (92% in 2007-08, 98% in 2010-11. 99% in 2011-12. Officers advised that there would always been some properties, such as remote farms, which would be impractical to collect from and this is why the target was not 100%. They provided Members with an early indication on how the proposed roll out would take place and advised them that further details would be provided to the Executive in May.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve option 1.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To agree a clear direction for services in 2009/10.



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