Issue - meetings

West of York Household Waste Site - Land option.

Meeting: 23/12/2008 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 147)

147 West of York Household Waste Site - Land Option pdf icon PDF 43 KB

This report seeks approval to carry out a detailed appraisal for a Household Waste Recycling Centre at Harewood Whin, as the preferred option to replace the Beckfield Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre to serve the west of the City.


Note: The above report was published with this agenda on 16 December 2008.

Additional documents:


RECOMMENDED:That Council approve the release of funding to purchase the field to the east of Newgate Bridge, as illustrated in Annex B to the report, subject to the land being available on the market.


REASON:      In order to provide a suitable location for a replacement Household Waste Recycling Centre at Harewood Whin.


[See also under Part A Minutes]


Members considered a report which sought approval to carry out a detailed appraisal for a Household Waste Recycling Centre(HWRC) at Harewood Whin, as the preferred option to replace the Beckfield Lane HWRC, to serve the west of the City.


Results of a feasibility study carried out to determine the most suitable location for the replacement facility were attached as Annex A to the report.  The study had concluded that a site at Harewood Whin could be turned into a viable HWRC at significantly less cost, and earlier, than the other potential sites. 


Members were invited to consider the following options:

Option 1 – accept the findings of the study and approve Harewood Whin as the preferred option for a detailed appraisal.  This was the recommended option, on the basis of the work already carried out.

Option 2 – ask Officers to seek out further sites for investigation and report back on their findings.


RECOMMENDED:That Council approve the release of funding to purchase the field to the east of Newgate Bridge, as illustrated in Annex B to the report.


REASON:      In order to provide a suitable location for a replacement Household Waste Recycling Centre at Harewood Whin.


Note:   In the light of the deletion of the resolutions on this item, as recorded under Minute 144, the above recommendation no longer stands.


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