Issue - meetings

Manor School - Highway Improvements

Meeting: 14/07/2008 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 24)

24 Manor School - Highway Improvements pdf icon PDF 84 KB

This report summarises the outcome of consultation on a package of highway improvements linked to the relocation of Manor School to a new site in Millfield Lane. Approval of a final scheme is sought along with authorisation to advertise some related traffic regulation orders.

Additional documents:


Option 1 - approve the highway improvement scheme as consulted on with no changes  (i.e. as per the plans in Annexes C to G).

Option 2 - approve the highway improvement scheme as consulted on with the amendments set out in Annexes J and K, plus any further changes Members would like to see made.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to defer consideration of the highway improvements and Road Traffic Regulation Orders associated with the planning approval for the new Manor School to the Committees next meeting on 8 September 2008 to allow Officers to re-examine the proposals, in particular:

·        the siting of the proposed bus stop;

·        the siting of the cycle route along Low Poppleton Lane and Beckfield Lane.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To respond to issues and concerns raised through consultation on the detailed scheme plans to deliver the required highway improvements as conditioned within the planning approval for the new Manor School.





Members considered a report which summarised the outcome of consultation on a package of highway improvements linked to the relocation of Manor School to a new site on Millfield Lane. Issues arising were discussed, and possible amendments to the proposals were considered. Approval of a final scheme layout was sought, along with authorisation to advertise some related traffic regulation orders.

Members were reminded that Manor School was set to open early next year and as part of the planning conditions to be implemented prior to opening several highway improvements were required to ensure the new school had safe and sustainable transport links. The planning conditions required

·        A 20mph School Safety Zone on Millfield Lane to enhance road safety around the new school frontage.

·        A lowering bollard to facilitate bus and emergency vehicle access through the existing Low Poppleton Lane road closure.

·        Widening the existing segregated pedestrian/cycle path along Millfield Lane.

·        Widening the existing footway on the west side of Low Poppleton Lane to provide more space for pedestrians.

·        The provision of improved crossing facilities on Boroughbridge Road and Beckfield Lane to serve the main pedestrian and cyclist movements at the junction.

·        Widening the existing footway along Beckfield Lane, for a distance of at least 70m back from Boroughbridge Road, to provide an off-road segregated cycle path.

Officers circulated a map of the Beckfield Lane junction showing further amendments that had been made following consultation which included:

·        Realigning the footpath to retain a greater quantity of verge;

·        Extending the right hand turn lane and reducing road widening;

·        localised road widening to reduce land required on the opposite side of the road;

·        moving the traffic signals closer to Low Poppleton Lane;

Officers also reported receipt of additional representations received since the report had been prepared raising further objections to the scheme.

Members requested clarification and expressed concern in relation to a number of points including:

·        the on /off road provision for cyclists;

·        siting of the bus stop on Millfield Lane;

·        vehicle/cycle conflict and safety adjacent to driveways;

·        cyclists heading north on Beckfield Lane needing to cross to access the off road cycle path;

·        wish to encourage as many children as possible to walk/cycle to school;

·        what measures could be put in place to prevent Newlands Drive becoming a rat run;

·        problems on Millfield Lane arising from level crossing failure.

Consideration was given to the following options:

Option 1 - approve the highway improvement scheme as consulted on with no changes  (i.e. as per the plans in Annexes C to G).

Option 2 - approve the highway improvement scheme as consulted on with the amendments set out in Annexes J and K, plus any further changes Members would like to see made.

Members also thanked Officers and expressed their appreciation for the work undertaken in connection with this scheme at a difficult junction but they felt that additional work was required to address some of the issues raised by residents and Members.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24


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