Issue - meetings

Primary Strategy for Change

Meeting: 10/06/2008 - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 9)

9 Primary Strategy for Change pdf icon PDF 73 KB

This report details the background to the Government’s capital programme of investment in primary schools, identifies the proposed initial local priorities for investment and seeks approval for the submission of the Primary Strategy for Change to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) on June 16th. 

Additional documents:


Members received a report which detailed the background to the Government’s capital programme of investment in primary schools, identified the proposed initial local priorities for investment and sought approval for the submission of the Primary Strategy for Change to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) on June 16th. 


The initial priorities for investment were set out in paragraphs 25-33 of the report.  These proposals reflected the criteria determined previously by the Executive Member and Advisory Panel and the report advised that Members had to option to reconsider the criteria and request officers to develop alternative proposals.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           To note the development of the Primary Strategy described in the report;


(ii)         To note the responses received during the consultation process, as summarised in the report and Annex C;


(iii)       To approve the initial priorities for investment, as set out in paragraphs 25-33 of the report;


(iv)        That the submission of the initial priorities and strategy to the Department for Children, Schools & Families (DCSF) for approval be confirmed;


(v)          To report back on the outcome of the submission to the DCSF.



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                        To progress the Primary Strategy for Change.


Members received a report which detailed the background to the Government’s capital programme of investment in primary schools, identified the proposed initial local priorities for investment and sought approval for the submission of the Primary Strategy for Change to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) on June 16th. 


The initial priorities for investment were set out in paragraphs 25-33 of the report.  These proposals reflected the criteria determined previously by the Executive Member and Advisory Panel and the report advised that Members had the option to reconsider the criteria and request officers to develop alternative proposals.


Officers confirmed that, consultation had been undertaken with stakeholders and at the time of writing, the Local Authority had received 37 separate submissions but that this had now risen to 50. The additional submissions also reflected the earlier views, which had been summarised in the consultation responses at Annex C.


Members questioned the timescales following submission of the bid to the DCSF on Monday. Officers confirmed that meetings were to take place with Development Control and Highways in preparation for the proposed works and that contractors would be on board by the Autumn.


Members also referred to the HR implications for staff including changes to their contracts and Officers confirmed that this would form part of the full statutory process, which would take place at a later date.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           To note the development of the Primary Strategy described in the report;


(ii)         To note the responses received during the consultation process, as summarised in the report and Annex C;


(iii)       To approve the initial priorities for investment, as set out in paragraphs 25-33 of the report;


(iv)        That the submission of the initial priorities and strategy to the Department for Children, Schools & Families (DCSF) for approval be confirmed;


(v)          To request a report back on the outcome of the submission to the DCSF.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                        To progress the Primary Strategy for Change.


[At this point Councillors Aspden and D’Agorne left the meeting.]


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