Issue - meetings

Review of Public Toilets

Meeting: 19/03/2008 - Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel (Item 68)

68 City of York Council Public Toilets Review pdf icon PDF 47 KB

This report proposes a complete review of public toilet provision for York and presents Members with information regarding the new Silver Street toilet facility which will be built to replace the existing facility in Parliament Street.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the scope of a review of public toilet provision at paragraphs 6-11 of the report be agreed;


(ii)     That Option C, at paragraphs 12-20 of the report be agreed;


(iii)    That it be agreed that reports be presented to the Executive Member & Advisory Panel (EMAP) at three monthly intervals to detail the progress of the review.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:(i) To inform the Executive Member of meetings with potential partners to this review;


(ii)   To carry out a cost effective review of the public toilet provision in York;


                        (iii) To keep the Executive Member informed on the progress of the review.


Members received a report which proposed a complete review of public toilet provision for York and presented them with information regarding the new Silver Street toilet facility which would be built to replace the existing facility in Parliament Street.


The proposed scope of the review was set out at paragraphs 6-11 of the report.  The following options as to how best to undertake the review were presented for consideration:

·  Option A – To bring in an external organisation such as ‘The British Toilet Association’ or ‘ENCAMS’ or a similar organisation to undertake a full review of all of the issues set out in paragraphs 6-11;

·  Option B – To carry out in-house review of all of the issues set out in paragraphs 6-11;

·  Option C – A hybrid of Options A & B, where the bulk of the review work was carried out in-house, but making use of expertise held by other interested organisations through their acting as ‘critical friends’.


Written representations had been received from the York Access Group in support of standard dedicated accessible toilets, without baby-changing facilities, being made available adjacent to full changing facilities, where possible. 


Members welcomed the proposed review and the design proposals for Silver Street.  They highlighted the need to include older people and disabled people in the consultation process and noted that the community toilet scheme, referred to in paragraph 7 of the report, would be particularly welcomed by the Older People’s Assembly.  They also noted that the review would consider provision of hydraulic urinals at night time and highlighted the need to also consider night time provision of women’s toilet facilities.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That the scope of a review of public toilet provision at paragraphs 6-11 of the report be agreed;


(ii)     That Option C, at paragraphs 12-20 of the report be agreed;1


(iii)    That it be agreed that reports be presented to the Executive Member & Advisory Panel (EMAP) at three monthly intervals to detail the progress of the review.2


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:(i) To inform the Executive Member of meetings with potential partners to this review;


(ii)   To carry out a cost effective review of the public toilet provision in York;


                        (iii) To keep the Executive Member informed on the progress of the review.


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