Issue - meetings

Purchasing Green IT Equipment and Software

Meeting: 29/01/2008 - Executive Member For Corporate Services and Advisory Panel (Item 57)

57 Purchase of Green IT Desktop Hardware pdf icon PDF 47 KB

At the December meeting of the Executive Member for Corporate Services and Advisory Panel, Members requested a further report to establish the business case for utilising some of the in year underspend from the ITT service to purchase “green”, environmentally friendly desktop hardware to replace the Council’s oldest computer equipment. This report sets out the business case and rationale for this proposal and seeks approval to use £95k of the ITT under spend for this purpose.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approveOption 3, to use the 2007/08 underspend to purchase replacement desktop devices in-year.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:In order to use the current year’s underspend to purchase replacement desktop devices in-year, thus reducing future investment requirements, and start to reduce the Council’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions.


Members considered a report, as requested at their last meeting, which set out the business case and rationale for the proposal to utilise some of the in-year underspend from the ITT service to purchase “green”, environmentally friendly desktop hardware to replace the Council’s oldest computer equipment.  The report sought approval to use £95k of the ITT under spend for this purpose, if the proposition was approved.


Members were presented with 3 options:


Option 1 - Purchase replacement desktop devices through the IT Development Plan bid process for 2009/10.

Option 2 -  Carry forward the 2007/08 under spend into 2008/09 and replace desk top devices as they break or become uneconomic to repair.

Option 3 - Use 2007/08 under spend to purchase replacement desktop devices in year and start to reduce the Council’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions.  This was the recommended option.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approveOption 3, to use the 2007/08 underspend to purchase replacement desktop devices in-year.1


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      In order to use the current year’s underspend to purchase replacement desktop devices in-year, thus reducing future investment requirements, and start to reduce the Council’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions.


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