Issue - meetings

Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2007 - Results

Meeting: 17/03/2008 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 60)

60 Results of the 2007 Annual Housing Satisfaction Survey pdf icon PDF 69 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with the results of the Annual Housing Services Monitor, a tenant satisfaction survey, and will be supplemented by a presentation to members.


Members considered a report, which provided the results of the Annual Housing Services Monitor (AHSM), a postal survey of City of York Council tenants undertaken during November 2007.  Officers gave a presentation, which detailed the headline results from the survey:


·        Overall satisfaction with the housing services had increased to 88%

·        88% of tenants described the council as a ‘very good’ or ‘good’ landlord

·        87% were very or fairly satisfied with the condition of their home

·        83% were satisfied with the repair and maintenance service

·        70% felt that the Council’s housing service took account of their views when making decisions

Details of the results had been issued in a press release in January 2008 and a presentation was to be made to the York Federation on 20 March. It was reported that encouragingly there had been significant improvements in tenant satisfaction overall.

As the main area of concern to tenants appeared to be repairs an end-to-end review of the responsive repairs service using systems thinking principles was now underway. Work was also to be undertaken on staff training together with the preparation of a housing development plan to ensure that staff were in a position to deal with enquiries.

Members agreed that staff had worked hard to bring satisfaction levels back up to those of 2002/03, which it was agreed, had in part been due to the restructure of housing services.

Pat Holmes stated that the Federation were concerned that there were a number of areas, which did not have Residents Associations, which caused difficulties in keeping tenants informed. Certain Members felt that there was now less support for tenants associations through neighbourhood management. The Executive Member stated that there was a need for the involvement of younger people, possible daytime meetings and assistance with resident’s interaction.

The Executive Member for Housing congratulated all staff on the excellent results and on the 50% survey return rate.

Pat Holmes confirmed that she had now stood down from the Federation and that it would be last meeting of the Panel attended by the co-optees.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)That the Executive Member be advised to note the results of the 2007 Annual Housing Services Monitor together with the proposed actions.1


ii)That Mrs Mildred Grundy and Ms Pat Holmes, the co-opted non-statutory members, be thanked for their attendance and valuable input into meetings of the Advisory Group.  


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To improve satisfaction levels of tenants with the Housing Service.


Members considered a report, which provided the results of the Annual Housing Services Monitor (AHSM), a postal survey of City of York Council tenants undertaken during November 2007.  Officers gave a presentation, which detailed the headline results from the survey:


·        Overall satisfaction with the housing services had increased to 88%

·        88% of tenants described the council as a ‘very good’ or ‘good’ landlord

·        87% were very or fairly satisfied with the condition of their home

·        83% were satisfied with the repair and maintenance service

·        70% felt that the Council’s housing service took account of their views when making decisions

Details of the results had been issued in a press release in January 2008 and a presentation was to be made to the York Federation on 20 March. It was reported that encouragingly there had been significant improvements in tenant satisfaction overall.

As the main area of concern to tenants appeared to be repairs an end-to-end review of the responsive repairs service, using systems thinking principles was now underway. Work was also to be undertaken on staff training together with the updating of procedures to ensure that staff were in a better position to deal with enquiries.


Members agreed that staff had worked hard to bring satisfaction levels back up to those of 2002/03, which it was felt had in part been due to the restructure of housing services.

Members agreed that staff had worked hard to bring satisfaction levels back up to those of 2002/03, which it was felt had in part been due to the restructure of housing services.

Pat Holmes stated that the Federation were concerned that there were a number of areas, which did not have Residents Associations, causing difficulties in keeping tenants informed. Certain Members felt that there was now less support for tenants associations through neighbourhood management. The Executive Member for Housing confirmed that there was a need to provide assistance with resident’s interaction, including the involvement of younger people and possible daytime meetings. The Executive Member also congratulated all staff on the excellent results and on the 50% survey return rate.

Pat Holmes confirmed that she had now stood down from the Federation and that it would be last Panel meeting attended by the co-optees.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)That the Executive Member be advised to note the results of the 2007 Annual Housing Services Monitor together with the proposed actions.


ii)That Mrs Mildred Grundy and Ms Pat Holmes, the co-opted non-statutory members, be thanked for their attendance and valuable input into meetings of the Advisory Group.1 


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To improve satisfaction levels of tenants with the Housing Service.


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