Issue - meetings

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Meeting: 10/12/2007 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 41)

41 York Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2007 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

This report outlines key findings of the York Strategic Housing Market Assessment and asks the Executive Member to consider and endorse the broad policy issues arising from these.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to:


i)                    Note the key findings and policy issues identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2007 (SHMA) as detailed in the report;


ii)      Endorse the policy issues identified in the report for submission as evidence to inform the Sustainable Community strategy review and Local Development Framework process.


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  i)          So that the findings of the SHMA 2007 can be used to inform future housing strategy, policy development and service improvement.


ii) So that Housing Services can ensure the broad policy issues arising from the SHMA 2007 are fully considered.


Members received a presentation from Officers, which outlined the key findings of the York Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) and the broad policy issues arising from them. Consideration was also given to a briefing report on the Assessment. It was suggested that these policy issues should be used to inform future housing strategy, service planning and improvement. It was reported that this should also be considered as part of the Sustainable Community Strategy review and Local Development Framework (LDF) process.


The findings had been published in July 2007 and  the LDF Working Group had agreed to publish the SHMA as part of the LDF evidence base and the Council’s Planning Committee had agreed to endorse the use of the Assessment for development control purposes.


Members questioned various aspects of the presentation and the findings and in particular:

·          Concerns that it was stated that workers in York were highly paid;

·          Questioned figures given for student numbers in paragraph 20 of the report;

·          Clarification required on student numbers.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to:


i)                    Note the key findings and policy issues identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2007 (SHMA) as detailed in the report;


ii)      Endorse the policy issues identified in the report for submission as evidence to inform the Sustainable Community strategy review and Local Development Framework process. 1)


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:       i)   So that the findings of the SHMA 2007 can be used to inform future housing strategy, policy development and service improvement.


 ii)So that Housing Services can ensure the broad policy issues arising from the SHMA 2007 are fully considered.


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