Decision details

Security in Schools - Feasibility Report

Decision Maker: Education Scrutiny Committee

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Members received a report which asked them to consider whether to carry out a scrutiny review of security in schools.


Comments from the Executive Member for Children’s Services and key officers on the feasibility of the scrutiny review were set out in the report, along with a briefing on security in schools both nationally and in the City of York.


Members suggested that there was scope for a one meeting “light touch” scrutiny exercise on this topic.  They noted that there was not a Local Education Authority policy on school security and asked the Scrutiny Officer to investigate if all schools had their own policies.  They also requested that crime figures be provided for the past three years, rather than just the past year, and that any Local Education Authority response to the national questionnaire be made available.


A number of issues were identified for discussion with the Executive Member for Children’s Services, including police desks in schools, security in the design of school and unisex toilets.  Members were asked to notify the Scrutiny Officer of specific questions for the Executive Member ahead of the meeting.


RESOLVED:             That it be agreed to proceed with a short review of security in schools including:

a)     confirmation that all schools had their own security policies;

b)     provision of crime figures for the past three years;

c)      provision of any response to the national questionnaire;

d)     discussions with the Executive Member.


REASON:                  To ensure that all relevant information has been considered and that Members’ questions have been satisfactorily addressed.

Publication date: 11/06/2007

Date of decision: 19/06/2007

Decided at meeting: 19/06/2007 - Education Scrutiny Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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