Decision details

Adoption of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: A new plan to guide planning decisions about minerals and waste in York until 2030 will be considered by Executive.

The Executive will be asked to adopt the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan, which sets out planning policies for minerals and waste developments as well as providing protection for residents, businesses and the environment when plans are considered.

City of York Council, North Yorkshire County Council and North York Moors National Park Authority have prepared the plan, following a decision to work together in 2013.

Since then, much work has taken place, including extensive public consultation and a public examination of the plan by a government Planning Inspector. Modifications recommended by the Inspector have been incorporated into the plan following further consultation.

The Executive will be asked to note the authority has now received the Planning Inspector’s report, which says that the plan satisfies all requirements and is sound. As a result, the Executive will be asked to recommend to Full Council adoption
of the plan.


[See also under Part B]


Resolved:  (i)      That the Inspector’s report and recommended changes be noted, and that the Main Modifications be accepted.


(ii)      That the Corporate Director of Place be authorised to make any further minor typographical or presentational amendments or updates before final publication of any documents referred to in this item, and to take any necessary steps to conclude the adoption process.


Reason: To allow the Plan to progress to adoption.


(iii)     That approval be given to publish an Adoption Statement and Sustainability Appraisal in accordance with Regulations 26 and 35 if the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended).


Reason:     To ensure that the adoption of the Plan is in accordance with the required legislation.


Report author: Neil Ferris

Publication date: 18/03/2022

Date of decision: 17/03/2022

Decided at meeting: 17/03/2022 - Executive

Effective from: 22/03/2022

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