Decision details

Residents Parking Petitions: Bishopthorpe Road (part), Rectory Gardens, Kilburn Road, Wellington/Gordon/Willis/Wolsey Streets, Longfield Terrace (part), Lower Ebor Street (part) and the Revival Estate

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Purpose of Report: To consider several petitions requesting the introduction of residents parking schemes.

The Executive Member will be asked to note the petitions and approve their inclusion on the waiting list.




To approve the following:


(i)           Option 3: to include the addition of Bishopthorpe Road (part) and Rectory Gardens to the waiting list and to combine the consultation of this with the consultation for Balmoral Terrace which is already on the waiting list.


Reason: Because this will respond to the residents’ concerns over

a wider area in a more timely fashion.


(ii)         Option 3: to include the addition of Kilburn Road to the residents parking waiting list and to consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


Reason: Because this will respond to residents’ concerns in the

order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each year.


(iii)        Option 3: to include the addition of Wellington/ Gordon/Willis/Wolsey Streets to the residents parking waiting list and to consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


Reason: Because this will respond to residents’ concerns in the

order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each year.


(iv)        Option 2: advertising extending the existing zones that surround Longfield Terrace and lower Ebor Street (two small areas) on the same terms as the existing schemes.


Reason: Because these small areas are entirely within existing

zones and the extension to those zones will be on the basis of the existing restrictions and this has the potential to resolve this matter is a more timely fashion.


(v)         Option 3: the addition of the Revival Estate to the residents parking waiting list.


Reason: Because this will respond to residents’ concerns in the

order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each year.

Report author: Alistair Briggs

Publication date: 20/09/2019

Date of decision: 19/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 19/09/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Accompanying Documents:


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