Decision details
The Provision of School Places and Allocation of School Capital Budgets 2019-2023 to Address Secondary Place Pressures
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Decision Made
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purpose of Report: The report will outline the major projects in the schools capital programme which will involve the use of basic need funding. These projects will include the capital projects linked to the Inclusion Review and the need for additional secondary school places in the East and South of the city.
Members will be asked to decide how to meet the sufficiency duty.
This item will now be considered by the Executive on 18 July 2019 to allow for feasibility studies to be completed and more detail to be provided on secondary school placement options.
Resolved: (i) That the options and risks associated with the growth in demand for secondary school places in the south and east of the city be noted.
(ii) That Option 2, to work with Pathfinder and South York Multi-Academy Trusts and allocate Basic Need funding of £10.4m for the provision of additional school places at Archbishop Holgate’s Church of England Academy (£4.4m) and Fulford School (£6m), as detailed in paragraphs 14, 19 and 20 of the report, be approved.
Reasons: (i) To enable the council to meet its statutory responsibility to provide sufficient school places and continue to meet duties to deliver high levels of parental preference.
(ii) Option 2 is currently the most cost effective option and minimises in a sustainable way the majority of the likely risks associated with the delivery of additional secondary school places.
Report author: Maxine Squire
Publication date: 19/07/2019
Date of decision: 18/07/2019
Decided at meeting: 18/07/2019 - Executive
Effective from: 23/07/2019
Accompanying Documents: