Decision details

York Central - York Central Masterplan and Partnership Agreement

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To provide an update on the significant progress made toward the delivery of York Central. The report will present the findings from the recent masterplan exhibition and community engagement and consider a revised masterplan. The report will also set out the key roles for the Council and York Central Partners in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding.

What will the report ask Members to do:
• To agree the recommended YCP masterplan be submitted as an outline planning application, having taken account of the recent exhibition and community engagement feedback.
• To agree a Memorandum of Understanding between the York Central partnership, setting out the relationship between the partner organisations


Resolved:  (i)      That the York Central Partnership (YCP) master plan, which it is noted will inform and regulate future planning application submissions, be supported.


                   (ii)      That the draft parameter plans and development schedules for York Central be endorsed, to enable the completion of the Environmental and Transport Impact Assessments and form the basis of planning submissions by the partnership.


                   (iii)     That the final sign off of the York Central Design Guidelines be delegated to the Leader and Deputy Leader prior to the submission by the YCP of an outline planning application.


                   (iv)    That the Memorandum of Understanding with the YCP be agreed.


                   (v)     That approval of the layout and the submission of a detailed planning application for the first phase infrastructure of the York Central scheme be delegated to the Executive Member for Transport and Planning.


                   (vi)    That further reports be received from Autumn 2018 setting out:

a)   a partnership agreement and

b)   funding arrangements.


Reason:     To ensure the delivery of the York Central scheme.


(vii)    That Officers be instructed to undertake further work to bring forward proposals to support and enhance the delivery of affordable housing on York Central.


(viii)   That officers be instructed to bring back a detailed business case for the early investment in office accommodation on York Central as part of the council’s commercial portfolio.


(ix)    That officers continue to work with city partners and community groups to identify early community facilities to be developed on York Central.


(x)     That the council work with YCP to support the delivery of high sustainability standards on the site.


(xi)    That YCP be encouraged to continue their community engagement approach throughout delivery of the scheme.


(xii)    That officers work with YCP to develop proposals for the detailed design of public spaces on York Central.


(xiii)   That further engagement be undertaken with businesses to focus the occupier strategy and integrate the commercial spaces within the broader area.


Reason:     To ensure that the York Central scheme delivers the economic and social benefits described.


Report author: Tracey Carter

Publication date: 22/06/2018

Date of decision: 21/06/2018

Decided at meeting: 21/06/2018 - Executive

Effective from: 26/06/2018

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