Decision details

Developing a Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children and their families in York

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: A report on Developing a Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children and their families in York was presented and agreed at the City of York Council Executive on 25th January. The business case has been amended from the existing report to incorporate a number of options for financing of the capital budget.

The report will seek agreement on the revised business case and a revised recommendation C to Full Council in relation to the capital budget.


[See also under Recommendations to Council]


Resolved:  (i)      That the revised financial business case for the development of a Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children and their families in York be approved.


Reason:     In line with the results of the review of the level of capital receipts that can be generated.


                   (ii)      That Officers prepare a comprehensive timetable for all developments and demolition within the projects covered by Windsor House / Centre of Excellence, Lincoln Court and Newbury Avenue Garages / Bungalows.


Reason:     To ensure that there is co-ordination of the major traffic movements associated with each project.


Report author: Jon Stonehouse

Publication date: 27/04/2018

Date of decision: 26/04/2018

Decided at meeting: 26/04/2018 - Executive

Effective from: 01/05/2018

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