Decision details

Annual Review of Traffic Regulation Order Requests

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To consider all requests for waiting restrictions which have been received over the past 18 months for the whole authority.

The Executive Member will be asked to approve the report to advertise, where required and amendments to the Traffic Regulation Orders to introduce restrictions as per officer recommendations.


Resolved:                     (i) That the recommended approach for each request, as identified in Annexes A to S, be approved, with the exception of:

o   F6 (Danesmead/Broadway West), where, in addition,  authority be given to the Assistant Director (Transport, Highways & Environment) to provide a suitable additional length of yellow lines in relation to the corner of the estate entrance;

o   I1 (Kennedy Drive), to provide double yellow lines up to the end of driveways Nos 1 and 2;

o   J5 (Dodsworth Avenue), approved subject to it being kept under review;

o   N4(St Chad’s Wharf, Off Bishopthorpe Road), to extend the provision of double yellow lines by a further 16m;

o   N5 (Knavesmire Road), deferred for a further report back on appropriate options around February 2018 when wider Knavesmire/racecourse issues could be addressed;

o   S3 (Foxwood Lane/Bellhouse Way Junction), approved subject to moving the street sign;

o   S5 (Askham Lane/Vesper Drive), recommendation to take no action approved but, in addition, the Assistant Director (Transport, Highways & Environment) to write to the police constable in relation to action  against obstruction caused by vehicles on grass verges and regarding devolution of powers;

o   S6 (Cranfield Place), recommendation to take no action approved, subject to white bar markings outside the first four properties. 


(ii) That any objections to the legal advertisement of any changes to the Traffic Regulation Orders be considered at a subsequent Decision Session.

(iii) That the implementation of any amendments to the Traffic Regulation Orders, if there are no objections raised in respect of the advertised changes, be approved.


Reason:                        To ensure that appropriate changes are made to traffic restrictions to address concerns raised by residents.


Report author: Annemarie Howarth

Publication date: 14/09/2017

Date of decision: 14/09/2017

Decided at meeting: 14/09/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 19/09/2017

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