Decision details

The Future of York's Guildhall & Riverside

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To confirm the outcome of the scrutiny review of the project (as agreed by July Executive).

Members are asked to confirm that further detailed project development work should now be progressed to enable a deliverable scheme to be developed for approval in accordance with a revised project programme.



Resolved: That the Executive approve the Scrutiny recommendation and confirm detailed project development work as follows:


(i)           Approve option 4 of the project review; to create a serviced office venue with virtual office and business club facilities.  This option secures the future of the Guildhall by maximising the benefits of; the different spaces within the complex, its heritage appeal, the accessible location, and also ensures ongoing council use and public access, in a mixed use development.


(ii)          Confirm the appointment of a multi-disciplinary design team led by architects Burrell Foley Fischer, selected following a detailed and EU compliant procurement process, and agree that further design work is undertaken to develop a detailed scheme and associated business case, based on the approved option.   Project development will be progressed on a stage by stage basis, drawing on the previously approved development budget of £500k, with a report back to Executive for final approval to proceed in summer 2016.


(iii)        Confirm the selection of a commercial operating partner. The project team will consider the most appropriate and advantageous lease or service contract arrangements.  The selection process to be confirmed following legal advice on the most effective option.


(iv)        Confirm a programme of engagement with the City’s business sector / target market to understand their requirements, facilitated through joint working with project partners; the Universities and Make it York.




Reason:    (i)       To ensure that the ongoing project development is based upon the most advantageous and viable option for this key council asset.


(ii)      To ensure that the necessary detail is available to inform an Executive decision on project delivery in summer 2016.


(iii)     To ensure that the Guildhall will attract the high levels of use necessary to secure future viability, delivery of the wider economic benefits to the City, and manage the financial risk to the Council.


(iv)    To ensure that the Guildhall offer will meet the needs of business and that the detailed business model is based on sound assumptions.


Report author: Tracey Carter

Publication date: 29/10/2015

Date of decision: 29/10/2015

Decided at meeting: 29/10/2015 - Executive

Effective from: 03/11/2015

Accompanying Documents:


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