Decision details

Calf Close Petition

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: To consider the petition.

The Cabinet Member is asked to approve further consultation with local residents.


This item has been deferred to 16 May Decision Session because more information was needed on option costs and feasibility for each petition.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the petition and concerns of the

residents be noted but that no action be taken to take forward a scheme to limit through traffic.


                             (ii)      That the petitioners’ concerns regarding

speed be forwarded to the city wide 20mph project.1


REASONS:         (i)      Because Traffic  Regulation Orders aimed

                                      at reducing through traffic are ineffective.


(ii)      To provide background information for this project.




Report author: Alistair Briggs

Publication date: 16/05/2013

Date of decision: 16/05/2013

Decided at meeting: 16/05/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 21/05/2013

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