Decision details

Access York Phase 1 Best & Final Bid submission

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: Summary of best and final bid submission to DfT including details of level of local contribution to the scheme.

Members are asked to: Approve the Best and Final submission for the Access York Phase 1 Scheme to the DfT on 9 September.


RESOLVED: (i)         That Staffing & Urgency Committee be recommended to approve:

a)    The progression of Option 2b (Askham Bar & Poppleton Bar), with approx. 30% local contribution.

b)    The funding approach identified in Option 2b in Table 1 in Annex 2.

c)    The allocation of £3.305m from within the Council’s existing capital programme.

d)    An increased allocation of LTP grant funding (up to £0.7m) to the scheme as part of the local contribution, with the expectation that additional developer contributions will be used when received.

e)    The use of £2.2m from the New Homes Bonus and / or prudential borrowing, with the actual split to be determined at a later date, with a commitment to fund any shortfall in funding prudential borrowing, and to meet any consequent revenue implications that arise.

f)     The use of the £350k value of the Sim Hills tip site as part of the Council’s contribution.


(ii)        That Staffing & Urgency Committee be recommended to note:

a)    the additional risk to the Council, such as funding all cost over-runs, which result from the changes to the DfT funding processes and

b)    the increase revenue risk from operating additional Park & Ride services.


REASON:      To maximise the likelihood of a successful bud for funds from the DfT.


(iii)       That Cabinet record its commitment to achieve the future development of the Clifton Moor site for Park & Ride, separately from the Access York bid process.


REASON:      In view of the importance of this site.

Report author: Tony Clarke

Publication date: 07/09/2011

Date of decision: 06/09/2011

Decided at meeting: 06/09/2011 - Executive

Effective from: 10/09/2011

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