Decision details
Finance & performance Monitor 3
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Decision Made
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purpose of Report: To present details of the overall finance and performance position.
Members will be asked to note the report.
This item was originally due to be received by the Executive on 13 February 2025, but has been brought forward to the 21 January 2025 in order to fit with budget timelines.
i. Noted the finance and performance information.
ii. Noted that work will continue on identifying the savings needed to fully mitigate the forecast overspend.
Reason: to ensure expenditure is kept within the approved budget.
Report author: Ian Cunningham
Publication date: 22/01/2025
Date of decision: 21/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 21/01/2025 - Executive
Effective from: 29/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: